Last Starfighter Port


Jan 4, 2004
I have been very interested in the movie The Last Starfighter recently. After looking around, I found this really neat almost 100% reconstruction of the actual video game in the movie. I'm 100% sure that it will run with no problem on the GP2X since it originally came out in the mid 80's. It seems like all one would need to do is to port it. It's a free game, so you should be able to get the source code. If no one wants to port it, I could learn C and give it a try myself. ;)

Not too sure that you can get the source if they are looking to actually have it in arcades?
You might be able to get it for Mame once it's all finished though ;)

Would be a damn sweet game for the 2x if it's possible :D

p.s Might be best getting a mod to move this to the idea's forum, rather than the homebrew.

I thought of this awhile back, its good to see that its possibly closer to reality then my imagination.
Here's the requirements as listed in the README file:
The game is written in Dark Basic ( so the very minimum requirements are set by the DB compiler. I have run this without difficulty on P3/256 DDR ram/128 AGP. It did take a bit to reach full speed. The game does use rapid texture swapping which is the primary source of slow-down I have noted. The game runs under Windows 98 and up. I will update compatibility issues as I get feedback.
So I checked out the DarkBASIC web site, and there is only a Windows version, and they specifically say there will not be a Linux or Mac version... so that pretty much kills any attempt to port this game... sorry :(

Also, the fact that it didn't quite get full speed on a P3 with 256 MB RAM is probably a good indication that it would be near impossible to get it to run at full speed on a GP2X. It looks like it's using a lot of 3D.

Lastly, as far as I can tell, even though the game is freeware, the source code doesn't seem to be available anywhere.

Yep, dark basic is not portable at all. Maybe a re-write could be achived, the game play is very simplistic, and all the gfx/sounds are freeware, so could be re-used, but that is only a very smal part of making a 3d game.

Would be a great addition to the home brew scene, just cannot see it happening any time soon. :/