Keyboard + misc)


Mar 9, 2003
Here are misc things I found might improve the emu (some of them are repeats from other threads - sorry about that):
- While testing various games, I have noticed that some require more than the basic set of keys to play.
Any chance to to emulate the full keyboard (so far especially Shift & /) ?
- Also, any chance to bind the keyboard & joystick to L ? Just like R, you could cycle between the 2, so you don't have to go through the menu to select these controls (seeing as how often you need to use them)
- In terms of brightness, some games can be extremely dark. The best example being Targhan & Hawkeye. Any chance to improve that or is it linked to the general brightness (most likely) ?
- Possibility to select folders & this way keep your sanity when you have a lot of roms...
- Fix the mouse eventually & if possible.
- I found out that a lot of times, inserting a disk in drive B in mid-game (ie : BAT when inserting disk C in drive B as required crashes the emu, while inserting it in drive A works fine) crashes the emu
- A full reset of the emu when selecting the restart CaSTaway option. I found out that often the emu stops working correctly after a soft reset (fixed by doing a hard reset): the mouse / keyboard / joystick do not work anymore, games do not load correctly. ..
- Less sensitivity in the stick when selecting the roms or using the keyboard. Most of the time I miss my target...
- Binding the insert disk option to a specific key combination (extremely convenient with the likes of BAT & probably a lot more games)
Thanks fro reading & hopefully some of these suggestions will be good enough to make it to a future version.

Maybe an editable controls.ini file like this

[Mode Cursor]

Up       = KeyCursorUp
Down  = KeyCursorDown
Left     = KeyCursorLeft
Right   = KeyCursorRight
B         = KeyInsert
A         = KeyHome
LS       =
RS       = ModeMouse

[Mode Joystick]

Up    = JoyUp
Down  = JoyDown
Left  = JoyLeft
Right = JoyRight
B     = JoyFire
A     = JoyUp
LS    =
RS    = KeySpace

[Mode Mouse]

Up    = MouseUp
Down  = MouseDown
Left  = MouseLeft
Right = MouseRight
B     = MouseLeftButton
A     = MouseRightButton
LS    = ModeKeyboard
RS    = ModeCursor

[Mode Keyboard]

Up    = VirtualKeyboardUp
Down  = VirtualKeyboardDown
Left  = VirtualKeyboardLeft
Right = VirtualKeyboardRight
B     = VirtualKeyboardPressKey
A     = KeySpace
LS    = ModeMouse
RS    = KeyEnter

[Mode Turrican2]

Up    = JoyUp
Down  = JoyDown
Left  = JoyLeft
Right = JoyRight
B     = JoyFire
A     = JoyUp
LS    = KeyP
RS    = KeySpace

with additional modes (like Turrican2) would be a good solution.
A600 posted on May 9 2003 said:
Maybe an editable controls.ini file like this
I like this idea :)

One thing I'd add though, would be an "Autoload=TURRICN2.STT" to the last block ... that way it could automatically select the correct control scheme for whichever diskimage you happen to be using ..
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A600 posted on May 9 2003 said:
Maybe an editable controls.ini file like this

[Mode Cursor]

Up = KeyCursorUp
Down = KeyCursorDown
Left = KeyCursorLeft
Right = KeyCursorRight
B = KeyInsert
A = KeyHome
LS =
RS = ModeMouse

with additional modes (like Turrican2) would be a good solution.
Rarely would you need that detail.. ie: In joystick mode, who would point Up to somethign other than Up?

(Unless it has a totally flexible mode system, where there are no predefine dmodes at all, and you define all modes in a config file, which would by defaulot describe the currently built in behaviour. Thats tempting, but lots of work.. I'll worry about super flexibility like this, and macros, down the road.. I'm aiming to wrap up all the must-haves and a pile of nice-to-haves now, and then take a few weeks to repair the damage to my life I've caused by working on this too much :)

A full keyboard is probably out unless really needed.. ie: due to being GP32, this is gaming oriented. A full keyboard is probably not needed. ie: Shift, capslock, and other modifier keysd are not generalyl needed..... except in word processing, etc etc :)

If theres a good case for a given set of keys, let me know. I can add specific normal keys, but the modifiers I'm trying to resist right now :)

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Hi, for the keys, so far I found:
- / for hounds of shadows
- Shift for north & south
& that's the ones I figured out. There are probably some more like these two...

ldaneels posted on May 9 2003 said:
Hi, for the keys, so far I found:
- / for hounds of shadows
- Shift for north & south
& that's the ones I figured out. There are probably some more like these two...

Shift to capitolize (ie: shift holded down?), or just pushing shift and letting it go (like an alternate fire button)?

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skeezix posted on May 9 2003 said:
Shift to capitolize (ie: shift holded down?), or just pushing shift and letting it go (like an alternate fire button)?
In the case of `North and South' the shift is used as an alternative fire button to select which part of your army you want to use (cannon, calvary and infantry).
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