GP2X Labview On The Gp2x


Still Fresh
Nov 23, 2005
I've been doing LabVIEW development for a few years now. I know that there is a module for LabVIEW to compile code for ARM processors, specifically for PDAs. There is a runtime engine required that runs on the Windows CE platform. LabVIEW also exists on Linux, so I'm pretty certain that there exists a run-time engine for Linux too. One would need to find a LabView run-time engine to run on Linux on the ARM.

Generally, the run-time engine sucks up about 20 megs of memory, which shouldn't be a problem for the GP2x.

If this could be done, I would LOVE to develop some data acquisition type apps for the GP2x. My first app would be attaching a GPS module to the gp2x and devlop a map viewer.

Can anyone comment on the feasibility of this ?
I think Linux takes 32 meg of space already, if the run time takes another 20 meg, will 12 meg be enough for the programs?
'About 20 megs' is also the amount of memory you have available to linux apps on the gp2x so you might be pushing things a bit. 32mb is unavailable to linux, not taken up by linux as yaustar said (16mb is dedicated to the 940, and 16mb is unused), then linux takes up some of the remaining 32mb, leaving you around 24mb I think.
ninjak posted on Dec 1 2005 at 04:07 AM said:
I've been doing LabVIEW development for a few years now.

Wow! People actually use LabVIEW? I used it at university and it was interesting enough but I couldn't really see much of a practical use for it...

Guess I was wrong.
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LABVIEW's great for knocking up quick'n'dirty data acquistition apps once you know what your at.

I was thinking along the same lines when I saw the Serial cables - would make great personal data collectors at work - especialy if someone could get a SD/WIFI card going.

Wouldn't even need LABVIEW - something in perl or python could do some pretty nifty stuff :)
woogal posted on Dec 1 2005 at 09:23 AM said:
'About 20 megs' is also the amount of memory you have available to linux apps on the gp2x so you might be pushing things a bit. 32mb is unavailable to linux, not taken up by linux as yaustar said (16mb is dedicated to the 940, and 16mb is unused), then linux takes up some of the remaining 32mb, leaving you around 24mb I think.

Am i reading that right...only half the total memory (24mb) is avaliable to apps when running via linux...
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It's something like 24mb. Can't remember the exact figure now but it was definitly over 20mb. Don't forget though that your app also has to run in the space left over from linux, so depending on it's size the exact amount left for dynamic data will vary.
ok next question woogal.....16mb to the 940 and 16 meg is unused...why is it not used?