I have uploaded a new port.. B)
This time is Kuklomenos a game by Martin Bays...http://mbays.freeshell.org/kuklomenos/
I have only statically recompiled the source of the Wiz version by HopeZ (Thank's a lot for the source ) .
I have slightly modified the source to increase speed on GP2X excluding
libcurl and relative Highscore reporting , also changed sound rate from 44100 --> 22050
and reduced sound buffer (from 512---> 256 )and sound Channels (from 32--->16 )
Also changed the message of button used on the game...
You can download at http://dl.openhandhelds.org/cgi-bin/gp2x.cgi?0,0,0,0,30,2816
Hope you like it...!!!
I have uploaded a new port.. B)
This time is Kuklomenos a game by Martin Bays...http://mbays.freeshell.org/kuklomenos/
I have only statically recompiled the source of the Wiz version by HopeZ (Thank's a lot for the source ) .
I have slightly modified the source to increase speed on GP2X excluding
libcurl and relative Highscore reporting , also changed sound rate from 44100 --> 22050
and reduced sound buffer (from 512---> 256 )and sound Channels (from 32--->16 )
Also changed the message of button used on the game...
You can download at http://dl.openhandhelds.org/cgi-bin/gp2x.cgi?0,0,0,0,30,2816
Hope you like it...!!!