Kotd Or Anyone, Still Buying Japanese Psp Games?


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2004
was at the import shop yesterday... a couple new games out for Japanese PSP... one game called Bleach (???) which is a 3d fighting game, reminded me a bit of Rival Schools just by the look of it, and also another racing game, Shutokuo Battle, also known as Tokyo Extreme Racer in the states. I almost picked that one up as I"ve been a big fan of all the Tokyo Highway games since the first one on Dreamcast... but I also have had import versions of those games and I know that they can be hard to figure out in Japanese... all the car tuning options are in Japanese so I figured it wasn't worth the $60. Hopefully it comes in the US as the graphics at least looked very nice.

While I was there I noticed they were selling Kollon (import puzzle game) for cheap... looked fun and my wife needed another game for hers so we bought one... after leaving the shop I got to playing it in the car and it was actually really fun. So I told my wife go back and let's buy another one. Now... this game had a vs. fighting mode similiar to Puzzle Fighter or the 2 player in Lumines, so I figured this would be great so we would have something to play together.

Went back and bought another copy and dug more deeply into it on the way home. Man what a mistake, buying this game... first off the f'ing game is HARD... the first couple levels are deceptively easy, suddenly it get's SUPER hard after like six tries I gave up. Then secondly I was checking thru the menu options and I notice there is NO mention of an option for multiplayer.... WTF???? Checked the back of the box and sure enough... 1 player only.... STUPID!!! This kind of game is PERFECT for multiplayer wtf were they thinking???

So... just goes to show... if a game is heavily discounted so soon after release there's probably a good reason for that :P
I WISH I'd gotten to play it... unfortunately no.

I'm very leery about buying Japanese games now as if they suck it can be almost impossible to get rid of them w/o practically giving them away. I do want another fighting game as Nightstalkers was just dull... too much loading times for me and kinda hard to control IMO, but I do like fighters so was very interested. I'd have bought both new games but really at $60 a pop I can't take that risk that they will suck, better to wait for someone to review them.
yeah, all the bleach fanboys say it's great, but i haven't seen an unbiased review :P
You could have atleast checked on the box (or in the game) if it has a multiplayer before buying a second one.
Quiest posted on Apr 22 2005 at 07:41 PM said:
You could have atleast checked on the box (or in the game) if it has a multiplayer before buying a second one.

I know, no one's fault but my own. There was a slight sense of urgency as a) it was like 10 mins to 7 and the shop closes at 7 so we had to decide fast whether to turn back or not, and B) they are pretty far away from my house, about 40 miles... not the kind of place I can just conveniently go everyday if I decide I want a second copy of some game....

I just figured from the way it is set up (just like Puzzle Fighter, the main mode is a versus CPU mode) it HAD to be 2P. I couldn't tell from the ingame options because they were all in Japanese, and didn't think to check the back of the box.

Ah well, asides from the missing two player, it's not a bad game. It is actually very fun, and in the single mode (no vs CPU to kick my ass) the difficulty is not nearly as bad and the game is quite enjoyable. After playing a lot of the single mode I went back to the vs CPU mode and did much better, though it is still hard as f**k.... about as hard as Wipeout Pure on the fourth circuit :)
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bast525 posted on Apr 23 2005 at 04:10 PM said:
Quiest posted on Apr 22 2005 at 07:41 PM said:
You could have atleast checked on the box (or in the game) if it has a multiplayer before buying a second one.

I know, no one's fault but my own. There was a slight sense of urgency as a) it was like 10 mins to 7 and the shop closes at 7 so we had to decide fast whether to turn back or not, and B) they are pretty far away from my house, about 40 miles... not the kind of place I can just conveniently go everyday if I decide I want a second copy of some game....

I just figured from the way it is set up (just like Puzzle Fighter, the main mode is a versus CPU mode) it HAD to be 2P. I couldn't tell from the ingame options because they were all in Japanese, and didn't think to check the back of the box.

Ah well, asides from the missing two player, it's not a bad game. It is actually very fun, and in the single mode (no vs CPU to kick my ass) the difficulty is not nearly as bad and the game is quite enjoyable. After playing a lot of the single mode I went back to the vs CPU mode and did much better, though it is still hard as f**k.... about as hard as Wipeout Pure on the fourth circuit :)

Anyone else here wonder if Bast really is married? And to the gameplaying babe he proports her to be?

I reckon his missus is really Captain Mainwarring's wife, in Dad's Army (one for the Brits there B) )

Just a thought.... :P
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who is captain mainwarring? not a brit here :D

and 40 miles away!?! man, that's too far to go for a simple import shop :P still faster than lik sang's shipping i suppose.
junker posted on Apr 23 2005 at 07:51 PM said:
who is captain mainwarring? not a brit here :D


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now why the hell would I lie about a thing like that?? it doesn't raise my imaginary 'status' any or make me any 'cooler'.

no... no... if I wanted to look cool I'd talk about having a really hot girlfriend, or having more than one or something silly like that. Like being married is something to brag about :P

and I've not once said anything about my wife being a supermodel or anything silly like that. You guys are too synical... if someone says they are a woman, you dont believe them (women don't play games!), or if someone says they have a wife who plays games (gamers are dorks and can't find wives, especially ones who play games!).... come on <_<

Well I am married going on 1.5 years now, been living together for over 7 years, she's not a supermodel, though I think she's beautiful most would probably consider her average or just above, and a little on the pudgy side, and she does play games though she's not a "gamer" per se... she's very selective on what she plays, puzzle games, a bit of mario-type games, and stuff like Dance Dance Revolution. Now if I really wanted to make up a wife I'd make her as a champ at Street Fighter :D :P

Just joking.

Actually, a bit jealous, cos my superstar film actress Supermodel hardly ever plays games....

yeah well my FIVE porno superstar girfriends all have sex with me every night and they're VERY big on collecting STD's.. oh um.... I mean games.. :lol:
the day a girl will beat me at a fighting game will be a sad, sad day :P