Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan

Bingo Jesus

GP2X Hardcore
Jun 25, 2004
Cumbria, UK
Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan, I want it. However, I can't decide whether to import or not. While it's apparently no barrier to game play, I woulds prefer a native English version. Does anybody know if the game is set for a European release? or should I just import now?

However, this is a question I ask myself with a lot of games, is it coming out in the UK, or should I import? does anybody know of a good site with European release dates for games, so I can find out if something is set for a release over here.
This is the first I've ever heard of the game but I'd beshocked if they didn't atleast try to sell it outside of japan. It's not like the DS has a remarkable wealth of games so they need every one they can get!

Sounds kinda cool too.
Looks like an interesting game, it will probably be released in the US. But right now i'm getting castlevania and PHeonix Wright.

BTW, is nanostray any good? (I read some mixed reviews and decided against it but....)
depends on what you want out of a shooter, if you want any kind of substance and depth then no you will not like it. I have the game and haven't played it in a few months because to me it has 0 replay value. Here are some pros and cons


Great Graphics
Great Sound
Great controls

No Story
No Ending
No additional power ups
Can beat the game in 35 mins if good
Play the same levels, over and over and over and over again to unlock screen shots and music from the levels. DUMB AND POINTLESS
Play the same levels, over and over and over and over again to do the internet ranking, was fun at first but gets boring very fast.

For me this was a complete waste of money. If your expecting anything other than mindless shooting then be disappointed, but if thats what you like out of a shooter, then you will like this game alot. But don't expect anything like Silpheed on Sega CD, and i've played better shooters on LittleJohn, example, GunNac.
Not as good as I thought it would be. If you can get it cheap then its just about ok.. extremely generic and for some bizzare reason, I prefer 1942 over it :blink:
Yep 1942 is much better than Nanostray, gameplay, funfactor wise. And at least you have a purpose in 1942, in Nanostray, you just fly around blowing stuff up for no apparent reason.