KOF91 v1.1 beta

Incidentally, I thought of an alternative to .zip support, if you want to avoid having RAM problems with larger chars. Write a PC util to combine all pictures involved in a char's animation into a single file, and a header to the file to identify where within it can be found the start and finish of each individual one.

Then write a piece o code to search through the header whenever a frame of animation is requested.

Or something similar; I don't code really myself, so I'm probably getting a few bits wrong, but 1 file, I know, would tak eup a lot less space than many (hence why zips whould be nice :) )

Looking forward to any future version; I suspect this will stay on my SMC for a fair while, although prolly only with 8 favourite chars or so at any one time, simply for space reasons...

Also, if you're interested in implementing real midi support in sound, talk to Rob Brown - I think his .midi support in Doom uses very little CPU power compared to what might be expected, so that could be potentially quite nice... Although I doubt it uses less than is usd in .mod playback.

Errm... any other suggestions...

Not that I can think of at the moment - I'm sure I'll be back here wth other wild ideas sometime, though

Keep up the good work - this port REALLY rocks...
It looks nice, but I only jump staight up, I can't jump across. I'm only can go 4 ways instaid of 8 ways I don't know if this is a problem of my park, or it's a problem of all
It looks nice, but I only jump staight up, I can't jump across. I'm only can go 4 ways instaid of 8 ways I don't know if this is a problem of my park, or it's a problem of all
Its a problem with ur gamepark. Theres a guide just come out to show you how to make ur stick more responisve, if you scout around for that, that should fix it.
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It looks nice, but I only jump staight up, I can't jump across. I'm only can go 4 ways instaid of 8 ways I don't know if this is a problem of my park, or it's a problem of all
Its a problem with ur gamepark. Theres a guide just come out to show you how to make ur stick more responisve, if you scout around for that, that should fix it.
I have been searching everywhere for that guide! Could you possibly post a link if you know it? :)
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yeah man I'd like it too- I pulled my stick out and it got better - but since then it's gotten worse an it be drivin me up de wall!
Does anybody know where to find the guide
I really need it, a lot of games suck with broken controls
Hmmm I've been looking all over the place for this "guide" that Dozer speaks of, but to no avail. However, I did find a topic about others saying how they had taken out and put back their sticks and now they also have this directional key problem. I would not consider that a guide though, so Dozer, please prove me wrong if you can...