Kof2000.zip Romrc

loki valhalla

Still Fresh
Mar 2, 2004
Visit site
does anyone have a kof2000 romrc? i really want to play this, and i've tried making one myself, with no success. alternatively, is there a place to get up to date romrc files from that i don't know about, since it's a pain trying to find roms thatr work with the ones that come with the emulator.
It depends on your romset. I tried a few combinations of rcs that I had to modify. You will find some references in the forum. I added these for myself: ct2k3sp,ganryu,irrmaze,kof2000,matrim,matrimbl,ms4plus,ms5plus,rotd,samsh5sp,svc,svcboot,vliner. romsets change every so often and the rcs don't keep up. You're better off getting a working set once. I did that through trial and error years ago. Now you can just search for a torrent or GP2X compilation to download.

I use this romrc (kof2000.rc):

longname The King of Fighters 2000
game kof2000 MVS "The King of Fighters 2000"
SFIX 0x20000
kof2k_s1.rom 0x0 0x20000 NORM
SM1 0x40000
257-m1_decrypted.bin 0x0 0x40000 NORM
SOUND1 0x1000000
257-v1.bin 0x0 0x400000 NORM
257-v2.bin 0x400000 0x400000 NORM
257-v3.bin 0x800000 0x400000 NORM
257-v4.bin 0xc00000 0x400000 NORM
CPU 0x800000
257-p1.bin 0x0 0x400000 NORM
257-p2.bin 0x400000 0x400000 NORM
GFX 0x4000000
kof2k_c1.rom 0x0000000 0x800000 ALTERNATE
kof2k_c2.rom 0x0000001 0x800000 ALTERNATE
kof2k_c3.rom 0x1000000 0x800000 ALTERNATE
kof2k_c4.rom 0x1000001 0x800000 ALTERNATE
kof2k_c5.rom 0x2000000 0x800000 ALTERNATE
kof2k_c6.rom 0x2000001 0x800000 ALTERNATE
kof2k_c7.rom 0x3000000 0x800000 ALTERNATE
kof2k_c8.rom 0x3000001 0x800000 ALTERNATE

for these files (MAME 126):

Archive:  kof2000.zip
 Length   Method    Size  Ratio   Date   Time   CRC-32    Name
--------  ------  ------- -----   ----   ----   ------    ----
  262144  Defl:N   131193  50%  11-06-01 19:26  4b749113  257-m1.bin
  262144  Defl:N    61943  76%  11-15-01 16:04  d404db70  257-m1_decrypted.bin
 4194304  Defl:N  2377430  43%  09-29-01 00:45  60947b4c  257-p1.bin
 4194304  Defl:N   739219  82%  09-29-01 00:48  1b7ec415  257-p2.bin
 4194304  Defl:N  3570406  15%  09-30-01 14:57  17cde847  257-v1.bin
 4194304  Defl:N  3484233  17%  09-25-01 11:29  1afb20ff  257-v2.bin
 4194304  Defl:N  3530216  16%  07-22-01 18:24  4605036a  257-v3.bin
 4194304  Defl:N  3555787  15%  07-22-01 15:24  764bbd6b  257-v4.bin
       0  Stored        0   0%  06-13-08 12:20  00000000  kof2k_c1.rom
       0  Stored        0   0%  06-13-08 12:20  00000000  kof2k_c2.rom
       0  Stored        0   0%  06-13-08 12:20  00000000  kof2k_c3.rom
       0  Stored        0   0%  06-13-08 12:20  00000000  kof2k_c4.rom
       0  Stored        0   0%  06-13-08 12:20  00000000  kof2k_c5.rom
       0  Stored        0   0%  06-13-08 12:20  00000000  kof2k_c6.rom
       0  Stored        0   0%  06-13-08 12:20  00000000  kof2k_c7.rom
       0  Stored        0   0%  06-13-08 12:20  00000000  kof2k_c8.rom
  131072  Defl:X    40213  69%  06-13-08 11:57  b785417f  kof2k_s1.rom
--------          -------  ---                            -------
25821184         17490640  32%                            17 files

06/13/2008  10:19 AM        69,206,016 kof2000.gfx         abf853f0
thanks for the help! unfortunately, all the gp2x torrents i've found have had no seeds. i'll try and find a mame 126 set somewhere and use your rc, though