Kinect - space fix


Advanced Member
Mar 9, 2010
Just quik heads up to anyone who has kinect and might not know about this.

I for one only have around 4 to 6 foot play between my kinect and the furthest point I can stand without morphing into my wall.

2 player games are sometimes a bit lame as we on eachothers toes

NYKO have a sweet looking fix for around 30 quid

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Yeah looks decent. So long as it does work and allow for play a foot or two closer.

When I do the config setup i can't even stand on my sofa to satisfy it.. I'd have to be IN my wall cavety!

So I just don't move on those back areas and let it skip, seems to continue the callibration and works ok for the most part, some running games not too good, but ok generally to play.

Only 1P though, need this to make use of the similtanious 2 player games.

Who got kinect sports then, what's your table tennis relay best? I will test
Sorry to bring old threads back to life but I was wondering if now the kinect is going for a reasonable price 2nd hand on ebay if people can recommend it for the odd casual game.
I did enjoy mine when I had it, though sold it with an old 360 ages ago to buy... Something... Can't even remember what.

I enjoyed the game that comes bundled with the Kinect, Kinect Adventures, one of the games is River Rush, where you flow downstream and jump around collecting coins... Thought that was pretty decent. Also we played Brunswick Bowling, think it was that, some bowling game which was ok too.

As a casual game thing, with a couple mates, we did enjoy it