Kindle App for Windows 98 or 2000 by QEMU


Still Fresh
Feb 13, 2013
Would it be possible to virtualize Win98 using QEMU, and thus start the Kindle app to read e-books, or atleast Win2000, reason is, I would like to use my Open Pandora instead of my Kindle to read e-books in school. If you say to use the cloud reader, I only have internet on the Library, which is pretty much on the other side of the school of where I take my literature class. I'm talking about the 1GHz Pandora, just so you know

Thanks :)
Well, I still want SuperZaxxon and the ability to use .PND's beacuse my freind and I are developing some
When you load the Kindle Cloud Reader in Firefox you have the option of allowing it to save itself for off-line viewing. Any books you download to it are also saved for off-line viewing.

I've done this on mine and it works quite well.

As long as you have downloaded the books you need in the cloud reader on the Pandora beforehand you'll still be able to use it to read them once you are out of wifi range.

- Neelix
Ah thank you Neelix, I will now be able to sell my Kindle (or rather keep it as it has cyanogenmod) and be able to use my Pandora to take notes AND read Kindle books
Hmm idea,maybe i can install Kindle in ReactOS.

Network support work under ReactOS many Windows Apis are in.

Maybe it should work.

You can try it too,try the free premade images with ReactOS from the Pandora Qemu Wiki.