Kidchameleon @ Fgen32


Still Fresh
Dec 15, 2003
Barcelona (Spain)
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Kidchameleon @ fGEN32

Intro: Well, I didn't know this game before I put it up on my GP32 to play through the last beta of fGEN32. It was all about curiosity after reading the name, I thought it was some kind of Sonic where you control a hybrid between a kid and a chameleon or something, lol.

When I played it for the very first time I really liked it, it was about a kid who has gone inside of an arcade machine, not bad.
The game style remembered me of Mario cause some things, like that you have to jump on the enemies to kill 'em and you have to break the items with your head to get them, there is also the jumping style of the main character that remembers me a lot of Mario.

What I really like is that there are lots of items that convert the main character into things like a fly, a samurai, a rhyno, some guy like jack the ripper, etc. and each one can do something necessary for the situation you are in like destroying walls beating 'em with the head (rhyno), flying (emmm, fly?), big jumps (samurai), etc. It really owns.

Graphics: They are pretty fine, simple but cool. Colourful stuff and great sprites.

Sound: Well, can't comment this cause it has no sound in this version of fGEN32. (will edit this if it works in the next version of the emulator).

Playability: High, really high. It's not that kind of games that you'd like to play but you leave cause it's playability suck. You only have to get friendly with the jump at the beginning and after that you'll be the king.

Well...: This game really owns, it will give you lots of fun though it has no sound yet :)

And if you didn't know it has more than 100 levels!!!

Compatibility: It runs perfect, 100% at 133mhz with fs 0 (it often changes to 1 but you won't notice) w/o sound.





I'll give it...

8,5 of 10 points! or what is the same.. highly recommended :ph34r:!


Nice review, the game is absolutely brilliant.
I totally love it, been playing it for ages.

Need to finish it though..

And you forgot to mention the sole idea of the game: the kid is some sort of chameleon (you mentioned this) but you forgot to tell that you have huge loads of different "costumes" to use to transform the kid to another "thing". Like you can even become some odd fly, rhino or samurai (+ others). It's the whole idea of the game, different levels have different costumes and you have to manage trough the level using the specialities of "costumes" you find on the level. Every costume has it's own specialities.

Hmm what else should I mention that you forgot...
Oh yes, the game starts out pretty simple and easy but that changes fast. Also the levels varie alot, thats something I liked, lot of different levels with different themes. Good fun.

I think you should update your score to 9/10 :P