Kanamemo - Possible On Pandora?

It is open source and seems to run on linux. Possible, but may need porting.
Sounds...lame. If it did more then Kana and Katakana then it would have some real use, but it doesn't take very long to get familiar with them and then you hit Kanji.

So, though it certainly looks possible (as the source is available, it can run on Linux) it seems like more effort porting it rather then creating something more meaningful.

Thanks for the link, the Firefox extensions linked to on the Kanamemo website look to be very useful and could get me back into learning Japanese a bit more.
Korlithiel said:
Sounds...lame. If it did more then Kana and Katakana then it would have some real use, but it doesn't take very long to get familiar with them and then you hit Kanji.
Must be nice for you to have not needed very long to learn hiragana and katakana, but some people (me included) struggle with them for ages. A little tool like this is great for me, but not ideal running on a computer. On a pocket device it would be perfect.
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There are better alternatives for Linux. I've been studying Japanese for about 6 years now and the must have tools are the Perapera-kun plugin for Firefox, SCIM/Anthy, OpenOffice and sazanami / mikachan fonts. There are several kanji / kana flashcard programs / screensavers and other neat goodies around, too.
AireTamStorm said:
There are better alternatives for Linux. I've been studying Japanese for about 6 years now and the must have tools are the Perapera-kun plugin for Firefox, SCIM/Anthy, OpenOffice and sazanami / mikachan fonts. There are several kanji / kana flashcard programs / screensavers and other neat goodies around, too.
What do you use for dictionary/kanji lookup? I've been using JWPce with Wine so far, which obviously won't work on the Pandora, but I don't know of anything even remotely as usable that is Linux native.
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Multiplex said:
What do you use for dictionary/kanji lookup? I've been using JWPce with Wine so far, which obviously won't work on the Pandora, but I don't know of anything even remotely as usable that is Linux native.
I actually only used Perapera-kun. I searched in google for whatever I was trying to lookup. I haven't really looked around that much because I've always had internet access. I'll look around a bit and report my findings here.
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My suggestion then is to make some real flashcards, study them for a week (give or take a few days based on how much time you have) and then remake them to the best of your writing ability and study again.

Repeat for as long as needed, making sure to improve your writing by creating new flashcards regularly as that strongly boosts a certain part of how you learn.

This doesn't work as well for Kanji, something about the amount of flashcards needed to carry with you to make it effective.

Now to try out perapera-kun as it looks to be better then using XHTML Ruby Support & Furigana Injector.

AireTamStorm, what do you mean by "SCIM/Anthy"? Links would be greatly appreciated, but full names and very brief descriptions would be still be useful.

Final Edit:
I'm now leaning towards them being dictionaries for it, and if not I would appreciate a bit more info on what dictionary/s you use with it.
Sorry for the delay, Here is a how-to link for scim-anthy, it should show you a few screenshots and examples to give you an idea of what the fuss is all about:
SCIM - Anthy HowTo

To best test scim-anthy on your own, grab an Ubuntu install disc / liveCD and enable Japanese language support. You'll have access to the IME that way.