Just tested FSMS RF play...


Apr 5, 2003
Newport, Wales, UK
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I've been fiddling with fSMS on a pair of GP32s with RF units. For an 'untested' function, it works like an absolute dream! Got golden axe and Double dragon working perfectly. Will be well-used at the meet-up I think :D

Man - I'm really starting to get an idea of the potential of RF play. Now all we need is enough people around to make it worthwhile owning an RF unit :P

Roll on european launch baby!!!!
Cool. I didn't think that thE RF adaptor could actually work with emulators. Is implementing the RF adaptor in emulators hard to do? What's the radius for the RF adaptor?
I dont think its a particularly hard thing to impliment.

Usage wise - basically, when you select the multiplayer option on one GP, it waits for another to join, and then you do the same on the other. At that point, both ROMS reset and they are in sync. Then the first GP32 you selected becomes the master (joypad 1) and the second becomes the slave (joypad2). Apart from that, it's as if you're sitting in front of the same TV playing the same game, as the two GPs just stay in Sync.

I think it's just basically making sure that the memories of the two GP32s are constantly in sync, and when the one sends a control, the other emulator takes it as an input from the other joypad.

Like I said, works like a dream :D

Radius-wise, I'll have to have a go at finding out.
Do the two people have to be using the exact same rom version for it to work?
Heh, fair enough then. But it sounds a lot like the way zbattle works on the pc for playing snes games on the net and I know that the 2 people playing that need the same version of the rom . If they do then it'll probably cause some problems at the meetup for you since different people will probably have roms from different regions.
hey axeman, thanks for testing it very much! ur the man
it has been ages since i did the multiplayer stuff (based of fnes multiplayer libs)
i had no time for testing them before, even nowadays im still lacking of spare time

thx black-- for his RF fifo/irq lib btw! :-)

but please if you find any de-sync while playing just let me know...

greetings from darkness
Have the emulator send the copy of the rom from the master to the slave.... :)

Then again, the transfer speed of data over the RF is probably pretty slow...
rf is 19200 bod

and we should divide this const by 2
it means we can transfer about 1Kb / sec

it's ok for small SMS games 8)

i was planning to add RF-COPY to my "CoMi" file manager.. but..
have other deeds to complete 8)
That be cool to feature don

It be handy for text files.

Wish i could control the pc using the gp32 and the RF adapter so i could send files to the gp32 etc. Better than downloading but still it be useless.

Oh axeman im curious can u sell the RF links to the guys if they wont them? It be good for liksang and for the guys so they wont be hit with a import fee.
Of course liksang would get the money :P but still its good if people want 1 ;)

yeah, I think it would be cool for downloading, maybe the rf link could be used as bluetooth, and one rf link could be connected to your computer. Also sharing of text and other files would be cool, such as pictures.