just ordered

personally with the screens like that i wud have gone for the dell 30" screen and pull of similar resolution as 3 monitors plus the price wud be about the same as 3 monitors and atleast u wudnt get the bezels.

max 24" single for lan parties, bezels are about 1.5cm each, so it shouldn't be so bad

i'll visit the desktop posting thread once it's running (and my 6850 is on fire)
just got the email confirming they got my payment :D its actually happening i might passout from all the awsomeness thats going to be deliverred
Don't hold your breath, if you went with cheapo airmail it will be a good while yet :P .

At least its not as long as the preorders though ;)

Hijacking DobsonatorX's thread, but I just placed my premium Pandora (or rather a Pandora for a premium!). I would have done back in 2008 when they were announced but didn't have the cash. My Mrs and I are having our tenth wedding anniversary this month and it is also my birthday and father's day, so I rolled it all into one super-present!

See you on the other-side (of the seven day wait).

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