Just Got Pandora - Not Working :-(


Still Fresh
May 27, 2008

I just got my Pandora today as a birthday present from my lovely wife. I had been talking about it for a year or so and following the progress and she had secretly pre-ordered one for me :-)

Unfortunately, when I boot it up, go through the initial config and then log in, it loads xfce and then immediately goes back to the angstrom boot screen and then switches off. I've downloaded the latest firmware and hotfix because I know this was delivered before the latest set of fixes, but after flashing it and trying again, it still just switches off immediately after xfce loads. Any ideas what else I could try? Have I got a faulty pandora?


Sounds like low battery (being shutdown by xfce battery monitor)
Are you charging using the mains charger? (usb charge is not detected by xfce). Note that there is a pandora low-battery monitor too, but that only checks after 90 sec of running, and allows you to cancel.
tsh said:
Sounds like low battery (being shutdown by xfce battery monitor)
Are you charging using the mains charger? (usb charge is not detected by xfce). Note that there is a pandora low-battery monitor too, but that only checks after 90 sec of running, and allows you to cancel.


Yeah it's plugged into the mains charger and the green light is on. When I plug the charger in - the red light doesn't come on for a while, then it seems to flash for a bit then stay on. The other game-style launcher thing works - it's only XFCE that shuts it down. The battery is reported as 0 percent in the mini launcher. What does the red light mean when it is flashing or on permanently? If the battery is low but the pandora is plugged in, would xfce still shut it down?


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^ You can try the following: Take out the battery, plug in the charger, switch on Pandora.
(An important note: Never put in the battery while the charger is plugged in.)
Flashing red light = Low battery.
Constant red light = Charging.
Green light = Unit switched on.

Be sure to NOT connect the AC Adaptor before the battery is in, otherwise, charging won't work properly :)
Thanks everyone, I don't know what I had done wrong, but I disconnected everything, took the battery out, put it all back together and it is charging and working properly now. I'm pretty certain I didn't plug it in before the battery was in but there may have been a loose connection somewhere. I'll keep an eye on it.

Thanks again,

jmeh said:
Yeah it's plugged into the mains charger and the green light is on. When I plug the charger in - the red light doesn't come on for a while, then it seems to flash for a bit then stay on. The other game-style launcher thing works - it's only XFCE that shuts it down. The battery is reported as 0 percent in the mini launcher. What does the red light mean when it is flashing or on permanently? If the battery is low but the pandora is plugged in, would xfce still shut it down?
xfce should notice that AC charge is present, although I am not sure what process it uses. You ought to see the battery reporting more than 0% in minimenu though.

Since you have minimenu, try the following:
Select button (centre feyboard)
Run a terminal/console
Type> grep . /sys/class/power_supply/bq27500-0/*

This will show the status of the battery ass seen by the OS.
current_now should be about 100000-300000
capacity is the % charge
Temp should be ~300

Also, cat /sys/class/power_supply/twl4030_bci_battery/online
If thiis is not 2, I think that explains why xfce thinks there is no charger.
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bear in mind minimenu only updates things like battery, date/time etc when you perfom an action (change tab, select icon etc). So your battery could be full but minimenu could report 0% if you haven't done anything since you plugged in.