Just Got My Pandora


Aug 22, 2010
I just got my Pandora literaly 10 minutes ago; I'm liking it thus far... I seem to be having a few hiccups though: first of all, I had to force the power connector into the Pandora, I have to apply force to the stylus in order for it to come out, and my nubs seems to be acting up (movement is not 100 percent smooth, they seem some what unresponsive sometimes)... I am also wondering how it is that I am supposed to set up my wifi connection...
I just got my Pandora literaly 10 minutes ago; I'm liking it thus far... I seem to be having a few hiccups though: first of all, I had to force the power connector into the Pandora, I have to apply force to the stylus in order for it to come out, and my nubs seems to be acting up (movement is not 100 percent smooth, they seem some what unresponsive sometimes)... I am also wondering how it is that I am supposed to set up my wifi connection...

The power connector can be a bit strong at first, it should become better.

Same for the stylus, some seem to be impossible to get out. This will wear out over time - or you could use a knife to make that small ring-like regression near the tip a bit deeper, then it will come out more easily.

For WiFi, you need to be in XFCE4, select System/Toggle WiFi, wait about 30 seconds (it's looking for networks then) and select the symbol with the two dark PCs in the tray. Select your network, enter key and that's it.
Woah... When I try to load up XFCE, the Pandora resets itself...

EDIT: It reset itself again while looking for networks

I can't seem to run the wifi toggle without the pandora ceasing to chrage and shutting off
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Woah... When I try to load up XFCE, the Pandora resets itself...

EDIT: It reset itself again while looking for networks

I can't seem to run the wifi toggle without the pandora ceasing to chrage and shutting off
That's probably the battery being loose. Make sure it's pushed snuggly up against the connectors. And as far as the nubs go mine are a little weird too, but definitely tolerable. I think it just has to do with the auto calibration. I wish there was a way to manually calibrate them and save the settings...

Grats on receiving! I just received my Pandora last friday. I don't think it's been more than 5 feet from me the entire time I've had it :lol:
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Is getting purple lines on your screen while resseting normal?

You mean when resetting using Pandora-Button + Power Switch?

Yep, all kind of artifacts might occur here. It's a hardware reset that resets the full PCB. The LCD controller doesn't get any signal for a while and doesn't know what to display :)
Is getting purple lines on your screen while resseting normal?

You mean when resetting using Pandora-Button + Power Switch?

Yep, all kind of artifacts might occur here. It's a hardware reset that resets the full PCB. The LCD controller doesn't get any signal for a while and doesn't know what to display :)

Well, this happened when XFCE caused the Pandora to reset...
EDIT: Resolved, I have reflashed my frimware; the problem now is, after toggling WLAN on, I cannot detect any wifi networks...
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I assume your router is set to broadcast SSID? It might be the router. You could try going to a friends house and see if you're able to connect to their router.

And just for clarification. This is NOT a faulty WiFi chip like some recent units have. Those can detect networks, but are unable to connect.
The power connector can be a bit strong at first, it should become better.
Should the connected go ALL the way in with NO silver showing? Mine only charges from USB, but if the connector still has some metal showing (I'd *really* have to force it if it can go fully in).

Sorry for the hijack.
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