Just Got My Gp32


Dec 9, 2005
United Kingdom
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Hi I just got my GP32 BLU+ and I'm quite impressed it's got a nice screen :)

Anyway. I've got several questions.

1. Why after you turn off your GP32 and it turn it on quickly it still has stuff on the screen from what you previously did and you have to leave it off for a couple of seconds.

2. On DrMD I have played a couple of games and on Streets of Rage 3, Golden Axe 3 and the list goes on. It seems to crash with sound but if it's turned off it's ok. I really want to play it with sound. Any Ideas ? I have tried changing the clock speed and audio quality.

3. I've got a stuck / dead pixel. Can I do anythign about it. It's stuck on red ...

Thanks for any answers :)
Laintsurge posted on Dec 14 2005 at 06:58 PM said:
Hi I just got my GP32 BLU+ and I'm quite impressed it's got a nice screen :)

Anyway. I've got several questions.

1. Why after you turn off your GP32 and it turn it on quickly it still has stuff on the screen from what you previously did and you have to leave it off for a couple of seconds.

2. On DrMD I have played a couple of games and on Streets of Rage 3, Golden Axe 3 and the list goes on. It seems to crash with sound but if it's turned off it's ok. I really want to play it with sound. Any Ideas ? I have tried changing the clock speed and audio quality.

3. I've got a stuck / dead pixel. Can I do anythign about it. It's stuck on red ...

Thanks for any answers :)
1. thats normal
2. no idea, is that even with clockspeeds <133mhz?
3. nope.
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1) Just the way it is, I don't know.

2) I don't know there DrMD works with sound for me, you may have dodgy batteries, sound takes more juice.

3) Nothing can be done about bad pixels I am afraid.
Thanks for the replies. I think I do have dodgey batteries they are very cheap while my 2500 mAh Ni-MH charge. Shame I can't do anything about the pixel :( It's not that bad but quite annoying ... Isn't there one fo the programs which flashes loads of colours and fixes stuck pixels. Or is my one a dead one. "Underclocking" it doesn't do anything it just crashes as soon as I start the game :D
Laintsurge posted on Dec 14 2005 at 06:32 PM said:
Thanks for the replies. I think I do have dodgey batteries they are very cheap while my 2500 mAh Ni-MH charge. Shame I can't do anything about the pixel :( It's not that bad but quite annoying ... Isn't there one fo the programs which flashes loads of colours and fixes stuck pixels. Or is my one a dead one. "Underclocking" it doesn't do anything it just crashes as soon as I start the game :D

The GP32 is the best battery tester out. It will ferret out dodgy batteries every time. When your GP32 starts going mental it is almost always a battery issue.

The GP32 is a conaisseur of batteries. Give it something cheap and it will spit it out like cheap wine :P
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aapje89 posted on Dec 14 2005 at 06:37 PM said:
Laintsurge posted on Dec 14 2005 at 07:32 PM said:
"Underclocking" it doesn't do anything it just crashes as soon as I start the game :D
why is that ":D" ?

I have a positive view on life i 'spose ...

Yeah I think my GP32 is going to have to wait until 12:30 tonight :( That's when my batteries will be charged.
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DaveC posted on Dec 14 2005 at 07:38 PM said:
Laintsurge posted on Dec 14 2005 at 06:32 PM said:
Thanks for the replies. I think I do have dodgey batteries they are very cheap while my 2500 mAh Ni-MH charge. Shame I can't do anything about the pixel :( It's not that bad but quite annoying ... Isn't there one fo the programs which flashes loads of colours and fixes stuck pixels. Or is my one a dead one. "Underclocking" it doesn't do anything it just crashes as soon as I start the game :D

The GP32 is the best battery tester out. It will ferret out dodgy batteries every time. When your GP32 starts going mental it is almost always a battery issue.

The GP32 is a conaisseur of batteries. Give it something cheap and it will spit it out like cheap wine :P

I can confirm this, I made the same experience, I had to buy better rechargeables especially for the gp32. It did not accept what all the other devices do accept.
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Laintsurge posted on Dec 14 2005 at 01:32 PM said:
Thanks for the replies. I think I do have dodgey batteries they are very cheap while my 2500 mAh Ni-MH charge. Shame I can't do anything about the pixel :( It's not that bad but quite annoying ... Isn't there one fo the programs which flashes loads of colours and fixes stuck pixels. Or is my one a dead one. "Underclocking" it doesn't do anything it just crashes as soon as I start the game :D

Don't expect miricles from the batteries on their first charge. They usually have to be charged/discharged 2 or 3 times before they reach their potential.
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DaveC posted on Dec 14 2005 at 01:38 PM said:
The GP32 is a conaisseur of batteries. Give it something cheap and it will spit it out like cheap wine :P

Ain't that the truth :lol: When I first bought my GP32, I didn't have rechargeables, so I went out and bought a GIANT pack of "Heavy Duty" batteries for maybe $6. I was going through a pair of them every 45 minutes, even faster when i would transfer over the USB. That's when I found out that "Heavy Duty" batteries are about the worst you can buy.

I'd imagine that the GP2x is even more of a "conaisseur" of batteries. Did you look up conaisseur DaveC or did you spell it correctly from the start?
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reaper79 posted on Dec 14 2005 at 09:34 PM said:
DaveC posted on Dec 14 2005 at 01:38 PM said:
The GP32 is a conaisseur of batteries. Give it something cheap and it will spit it out like cheap wine :P

I'd imagine that the GP2x is even more of a "conaisseur" of batteries. Did you look up conaisseur DaveC or did you spell it correctly from the start?

I know I wouldn't be able to spell it. I can barely pronounce it :D
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Ah shit, I guess I shouldn't have even said anything. The spellchecker said it was spelled wrong, it's connaisseur. Although DaveC came damn close. I spel wurse and werse all the tyme. I can could not spell posserby spel conna-sewer.