Just Flashed My Psp To V 2.0


Jul 14, 2003
Labrador, Canada
Visit site
Well, jumped off the homebrew edge with my PSP and flashed it to get the WEB browsing. It works, but I did crash at www.yahoo.com. It's a start anyway.

Not too worried about homebrew stuff since my GP32 covers almost all the systems I would like emulated anyway. (and I am not at all concerned about pirating PSP UMD's).
A question:

On IGN's main PSP page, does it really say 'clownpenis.fart' underneath the blue web browser icon in the middle?

What's that about?
mine doesn't say that :blink: I flashed to v2.0 last night and so far its pretty damn cool. The browser is very good and very easy to use. I posted a couple of replies to topics on this site from my psp last night. It's still a pain to type, but i'm getting better at it.

So cool to be bidding on Ebay from bed or from the toilet :P
you could just have what a lot of us have, a wifi network at home.

will the browser work off of an adhoc signal (e.g. communicating with the wireless chip in your laptop thats hard plugged into the net) or does it demand an infrastructure signal (you have a wireless router plugged into the net)?
yes you will need to be in a hot spot, or anything that has a wireless network without password protection. The PSP will automatically pick up any IP address floating around in the air that is not paswword protected. My DSL modem doubles as a wireless portal so I can go online anywhere in my house and out on my porch.
i'm in the u.k. so i just buy a wi-fi card/modem for the back of my computer?

if so, any cheap examples of what i need please


What are you all so excited about? PDA users do this a couple of years now, and with bluetooth PDA´s you can even use your cellphone to access the internet anywhere... if you can afford it. I however cannot believe that the PSP´s browser is anywhere as good as those available for my zod. I´ll keep 1.5 . At least until i tried The NEOGEO CD emu...
the neo cd emulator is pretty damn cool.

i dunno, i think i'm gonna sell my psp soon. i could use the money, and it rarely gets play time from me...but then there are always things like lumines to play with and mga2 later on..
Hmmm.... browse the internet (presumably slowly) from my PSP when I have a perfectly good computer sitting right there hooked up to cable, not being able to type more than ohhhh I dunno 5 words per minute, or continue enjoying neo geo and snes on it plus full games off the memory stick...

hmmm seems like a no-brainer to me :D
its not that slow, at least my connection, it's like 3 - 5x faster than 56k, plus i have a seperate room for my computer, so if i can't sleep, i just lay in bed on the internet, or if its a nice night, i'll sit on my porch and browse the internet. If i want emu, i'll just use the GP32, i got my PSP for commercial use, not emu or homebrew so this V2 release works good for me, and the theme thing is cool too.