i cant think of a good custom member title. Sugges
I just bought a DC via ebay (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=8112720559&ssPageName=ADME:B:EOAB:UK:6), and was wondering if any "power" DC users out there can give me some advice/help with it. What emulators/homebrew out there that are wrth trying. I am kinda impatient, so 100% speed stuff is what im after really. Also, anyone got any tips for modding it? I remember there used to be some really cool different colour/transparent cases avialable, how would I go about getting those? Whats the online scene like now-adays? How about BB adapters they easy to come by? Also, whats the list of Must-have games EVERYONE must have? ANy help would be greatly appreciated, along with useful sites/forums.