Release Jump'n'Bump


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Here is Jump'n'Bump a freeware game, ported from DOS.

The game is an 2D arena-style game, were you have to jump on the head of the other. It can be played with up to 4 player. This version implement some AI (that are activated in game with 1-4).

So to play a 1 on 1 against AI, use DPad to move a rabbit to the right of the large tree on the ground, and use ABY to move another rabbit, and go out of the screen (with either one). Then, you are in the arena, press "4" (because ABY is 4th player) to activate AI for the other rabbit...
a, w, d and j, i, l are the key for the other 2 rabbits.

History log

build 01
  • Initial build
Wow, didn't know this is Open Source. Awesome game! In fact every game with jumping hares is awesome... ;) Thanks for porting!
Hey hooka how are things? Must have missed this on the gp32. I still fire my gp32 up now and again. I will give this a try on my Pandora, looks fun. Thanks for the port Ptitseb.
Up on dpad as jump can be a pain tbh, so I'm gonna try n bind it to X button cause it'll be easier for me to play against the AI's that way.

BaDToaD: Hectic, but good... Been tempted to dig out the GP32's fill 'em with batteries and get some GPEngine and Jump n bump type action going :)
Up on dpad as jump can be a pain tbh, so I'm gonna try n bind it to X button cause it'll be easier for me to play against the AI's that way.

BaDToaD: Hectic, but good... Been tempted to dig out the GP32's fill 'em with batteries and get some GPEngine and Jump n bump type action going :)

Yeah, I know Dpad only is not the best control scheme, but I wanted to key the multiplayer option viable (at least a 2 player). Sources are inside the PND and it compile quite easily. Grep for "SDLK_" to find the relevent lines of code...