JPEG View v1.10 Released

I like this viewer, I finally have something to view my pictures taken with my good old Fuji Finepix 2600Z ... I can tell you that it works very well with pictures with this resolution : 1280*960

Just some features I'd like to see (unless I missed them somewhere ...)
- like a rotation feature so that I can see my vertical pictures in full screen ...

- Sliding on zoomed pictures would also be a nice addition but you seems to say that, tachnically, this is quite complicated.

- faster loading if possible

- brighter text while loading ... without goot lighting, dark blue on black is quite unreadable ;o)

- a very nice feature but quite complicated would be a thumnailed file selector, that would be really great.

- I don't understand why memory is a problem for loading huge pictures ..; normally 1600*1200*32 should take less than 6MB of RAM ... GP32 has 8MB of embedded RAM so sliding on huge pictures shouldn't be really a problem ... maybe you could just calculate the amount of memory needed for the picture (quite easy with width and height) and if it is higher than, let's say 6MB, you use the actual mode of viewing, otherwise, you could use a mode allowing sliding on pictures.

Well, just ideas, this is anyway a very good tool and this certainly found a place on my SMC ;)
