Joystick sensitivity

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:wacko: I just got my GP32 in the mail yesterday and i downloaded Little John and oh my, my joystick is so sensitive i can't do anything, when i want to go forward i'm ducking and so on making Super Mario 2 and Mega man 3 almost unplayable, please help, is there anything that can be done to desensitise the joystick, it gets really frustrating when you can't climb vines and chains in sm2 because your constantly falling off of them because the joystick won't stay straight up.
Once you get the hang of it,its great,it only needs the slightest movement for a response so this means that you wont be getting a tired thumb like on cheap controllers because of the amout of force needed for a response. the gp32 controller clicks like an arcade joystick does,and if you ever tried to buy one to use at home,they are really expensive just for a single arcade quality joystick and some buttons! :blink:
Yeah, i guess i am used to my ps2 with the pressure sensitive joystick. I guess it just takes some getting used to, just gets frustrating. :ph34r:
good job.....good job.....good job.....good job, I think thats stupid unless you have only three fingers.
I own a ps2, and when I got the GP32, there was no joystick problem cause its easy as hell to use.
I've noticed somethink not many FLU'S can overclock
It does take getting used to, but once you get used to it, you will like it better than any other handheld joypad. It never was unplayable, just weird hopping from my DC/XBOX controller to that.
gp32animefreak posted on Sep 27 2003 at 03:51 PM said:
good job.....good job.....good job.....good job, I think thats stupid unless you have only three fingers.
I own a ps2, and when I got the GP32, there was no joystick problem cause its easy as hell to use.
I've noticed somethink not many FLU'S can overclock
My flu does overclock even till 166 in doom 2
and it stays stable :lol:
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I've noticed somethink not many FLU'S can overclock
lol, what does that have to do with the joystick?! and i dont think its tru, it was mentioned b4 and proved down. The flu electronics are the same! if u turn the light off then its the exact same so no its not that its the flu, its just the quality of whatever ram they can get in cheaply