Joystick Problem


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2007
Hi guys, I just got a gp2x value pack from playasia. The unit has problems detecting right and up+right joystick movements - it can only detect these movements about 50% of the time. I have 2 Q's:

1) Is this typical of GP2x units?
2) Should I send it back for a replacement?
It's a common issue. Try sticking a TINY wad of paper inside the hole, inside the shaft of the cap (it pops off a metal shaft straight up)

(emphasis on TINY)
TelcoLou posted on Feb 12 2007 at 04:46 PM said:
It's a common issue. Try sticking a TINY wad of paper inside the hole, inside the shaft of the cap (it pops off a metal shaft straight up)

(emphasis on TINY)
:( I was hoping emphasis was on wad, hole, shaft, and pops off :P
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Thanks for all your replies guys, I found that it was just a matter of breaking it in with repeated movements. It now registers movements fine - I guess might have exposed the contacts a bit better by jiggling away