Here's a simple mod I put together after being frustrated with the current GP2X control knob. I took a gamecube controller (original Nintendo one), and carefully worked off the small, round rubber top from the analog controller. The rubber top is actually just fit over the top of the plastic joystick knob, so if you work it back and forth for awhile, you can see it start to come free. Just carefully work it, being careful not to tear the rubber. Once off of the cube controller, I functioned it over the GP2X knob. In order for perfect clearance in all directions once placed over the GP2X knob, you will have to use a sharp hobby knife and trim a little rubber away from the underside of the rubber piece. Once functioned on, this knob is like a night and day difference- NO MORE SLIPPING, and very comfortable feeling. For permanent replacement, one could dab a drop or 2 of super glue on the GP2X knob, then slip the new rubber top over it. I have not done this yet, as the rubber top works perfectly as it is. This will be my first attempt at adding pics, so I hope they come through. Hope you enjoyed this small, simple mod.