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Jun 16, 2004
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First, I just thought I'd introduce myself a bit. My name is Brian, AKA spongebue. A few (I know 2 for sure) may know me as SpongeBuell. I am from Minnesota, and have wanted a GamePark for about a year at this point. Now, I have a job and money for fun stuff goes with that, so I finally bought myself a GP32. :D I am leaving for a trip this Monday, so I hope it comes before then (I bought it from

In case the GP32 does come before I leave, does anybody have any suggestions for some good game(s) that will keep a person occupied for a trip from here to Missouri?

Welcome to the GP32 community, spongebue!

Emulation would be your best bet for entertainment, along with some homebrew. You should get the following:
LJGP32 (nes emulator)
SMS32/fSMS (SMS emulator. Get either SMS32 or fSMS, I prefer SMS32, I don't know why)
fGB32 (GB\GBC emulator)
OS9xGP (SNES emulator, a new version might be released this week)
GPengine (PC engine emulator)
GigaDrive (Genesis emulator)

These are the main emulators, you might want to remove a few if you don't have any interest in them.

GPDoom (Play the PC version of Doom on your GP)
Gloop (Buy Deluxe if you can)
Perfect Fit (I think that's what it's called)
Xigon One

EDIt: Whoops, I forgot. What size SMC are you getting?
ohhh...were to start

get the snes emulator: put an rpg like earthbound or lufia 2
put super punch out on there....put sensible soccer and street fighter 2

get the gigadrive engine: put toe jam and earl 2... no sound but fun! Put gunstar heros that game has sound. Put Mortal combat and of course the michael jackson game..OF COURSE.

get the msx emulator: put metal gear 1 and 2 and the penguin adventure game thing.

get the port of doom and also wolfenstein 3d

get perfect fit...a good puzzle game thats really fun

get fgb32: put mickeys speedway... tetris adventure...and metal gear.

get the nes emulator little john: soo many games to name!

And this is just what I am playing right now..I swear there is like a gagillion more things you want. I have a 64mb smart media card for games and it has to many games to play. your trip will definentaly be fun. welcome to our family
Yeah $50 is a little steep. But that's okay. You might also want to consider getting GPcinema, but that might take up too much room on your SMC, especially with GP Doom and the roms.

BTW, for commercial games I recommend that you get Pinball Dreams and Super Plusha. You can get them from JoyGP.
Walmart...I was desperate and got my smartmedia card for the same price. I heard you can buy one for like 28 bucks somewhere. You might want to look on the forum about that. i think that movies are goin to be a little hard to fit but maybe just an episode of south park or my personal favorite DOUG. Its going to take some time to make em playable on gpcine which is the movie player(probably already knew that) which you can find on joygp again for free. There is a guide on to convert the movie files into gp32 format and its pretty easy. Also mp3's. either put on a cd of mp3's or put on a episode of doug which is usually about 40mb.
I just got a 128mb card this afternoon :)

Too bad I probably overpaid ($50)
Check the net for 128m SMCs. I bought a few for around $32 a piece. No big deal I got taken for $48 on my first SMC cause I needed it right away and couldn't wait for a mail order. But trust me you will need more than one card anyway. Doom wads and emus will suck up space real quick.
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You might want to look on the forum about that. i think that movies are goin to be a little hard to fit but maybe just an episode of south park or my personal favorite DOUG. Its going to take some time to make em playable on gpcine which is the movie player(probably already knew that) which you can find on joygp again for free. There is a guide on to convert the movie files into gp32 format and its pretty easy. Also mp3's. either put on a cd of mp3's or put on a episode of doug which is usually about 40mb.
I wasn't thinking about movies when I said GPcinema. He should consider some TV eps of his favorite show.
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I think that emulators should generally be fine for me for the most part, but I am curious about Doom. (please remember that I have had no experience with this stuff, and therefore would know little) I know that Doom is/was a great and popular PC game back in the days of DOS, and some sequals have been made, but I dunno what a WAD is. Do you need it to actually play the game? I am under the impression that Doom is like an OS, and the WADs are the levels, or programs for that operating system.

Also, I see that there is a free version of GPCinema. Is this a full version, or are there some features disabled like it was a demo?
It would help if you would read some FAQs :D

GPDoom is a .fxe, a program on the GP32. You run it, and what the program basically does is loads .WAD files, which contain all the levels, graphics of the levels, etc. of Doom. There are WADs for every version of Doom and there is only one WAD file for each doom version. You'll have to rename it too when you put it on the GP32 to Doom.wad, or Doom2.wad, depending on which version of the WAD you have. The WAD comes with doom, it should be in the directory where DOOM was installed. Look in the directory and you should see it. The WAD files are kind of big, they are normally >8 megs.

And yes, that free version of GPcinema is the full version, which was released a little whlie ago. You used to have to pay for it, but it was cheap ($7-10).
i just bought two SMC 128's last month. I had one forever but withj the release of GPcinema (and a 6 hr plane ride to deal with) I said screw it.. they were hard to find in stores (cause it was last minute ) and I paid @50 apiece for them. But it was worth it! Plane ride was sooo much more enjoyable. Plus I brought a SMC reader with me on the trip + a CD with some more vid's so I could stick them on for the ride back (just using a random PC.. I was surprised to see it even worked on a Mac!!)

I used that famous compression guide that went around, I shrunk the movies reallll tiny (160x120 --- halfscreen) and chopped up the framerate a bit more, so it all looked kinda assy but the shows I watched were all about story anyway (you know those HBO shows) and because of that I was able to fit HOURS between two SMCs, it was very gratifying! A laptop sure would've been more convenient/better looking but this i sall I got, besides I always hear about people's laptops running ou tof power on flights that long..

damn I sound like a commercial. Enjoy your new toy!!
Yep, another newbie here. Been looking at this site for the past few months, when I used to sway on my decision on whether to buy a GP32 or not. Then, last week, after talking to someone who had one, I just decided to blow all the extra money I had on one. Then, as I await delivery from Lik-Sang, I see GBAX have BLU's in soon with free upgrade to 166mhz :( would've loved to have SNES emulation running at optimum speeds. I'm gonna kill the person who told me the BLU's weren't getting a Euro release :P Ah well, at least I got Doom on the run to keep me going :D

Thanks for that list Azure. Very helpful. My N-Gage couldn't do any of this apart from play MP3's and very very crappy video playback. And don't worry, I've read the FAQ's already :lol:
Yep, another newbie here. Been looking at this site for the past few months, when I used to sway on my decision on whether to buy a GP32 or not. Then, last week, after talking to someone who had one, I just decided to blow all the extra money I had on one. Then, as I await delivery from Lik-Sang, I see GBAX have BLU's in soon with free upgrade to 166mhz :( would've loved to have SNES emulation running at optimum speeds. I'm gonna kill the person who told me the BLU's weren't getting a Euro release :P Ah well, at least I got Doom on the run to keep me going :D

Thanks for that list Azure. Very helpful. My N-Gage couldn't do any of this apart from play MP3's and very very crappy video playback. And don't worry, I've read the FAQ's already :lol:
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Then, as I await delivery from Lik-Sang, I see GBAX have BLU's in soon with free upgrade to 166mhz :( would've loved to have SNES emulation running at optimum speeds. I'm gonna kill the person who told me the BLU's weren't getting a Euro release :P Ah well, at least I got Doom on the run to keep me going :D
You might be lucky - something like 60% of GP32's will overclock to 166MHz anyway, and probably 90% can do 156Mhz. For some reason, mine will do 166MHz for all emulators except SNES which will only do 156MHz, but it seems to work quite happily (Super Mario World, with sound)...

Keep your fingers crossed... :D

Oh and Doom is perfect at 133MHz...
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But Doom2 isn't. I've noticed several areas where there are lots of slow downs at 156. Hopefully 166 should fix them.


Two whole GP32 users in Minnesota? There ain't room in these parts for the both of us.