is the GP32 suitable for viewing html?


Still Fresh
Dec 1, 2003
is the GP32 suitable for viewing html?

I have just come across the GP32 and wondered if it was a suitable medium for displaying html pages.
So ... if I can ask a pretty newbie Q ...
can I put my tuning book on a GP32?

Brian P.
Yo do you eever reckon the gp32 will allow interrnet access sooni hjeard some where that gamepark is bringing out a tv tuner which will be pretty sweet,But any way i hope theyll bring internet acess imagine the capabiluities and ive also noticed alot of people have actually said the geepee can use the internet maybe through the rf port????n
I reckon now the keybvgoard drivers are coming out now we could get the internet working well ,Igf game park ever wants to bring out the intewrnet Im sure the amount of gp32s sold will definatley increase,Im not sure but i think i also heard that GamePark are going to bring out a new t6v tuning device this would be sweet if we could upload the files we get and convert them back onto tv,Then we could cut the cost of expensive tv cards anbd alot of people especiaslly noobs dont know how to fit a video card(pci).See you all soon.
Wouldn't it be possible to "port" the web browser "lynx"?

The first step would be to display local html pages IMO, and lynx could do a nice job.

I do not have any experience with porting applications to other platforms, so forgive me if porting lynx is impossible :rolleyes:
No matter what, a web page at 320x240 is pretty lame. Even at 640x480 most pages are crippled beyond repair. Because of this is see very little incentive to make an HTML viewer unless one plans on making pages for viewing only on the GP32, which defeats the purpose of having a World Wide Web, kind of.

Wouldn't it have been cool if out of the box, the GP32 logged onto a special GamePark site, available to owners of the unit, where it automatically registered the user and offered all the most current software for direct wireless download to the unit?


Soon some handheld will do that, and it'll be great. I give it three years.
thanks for answering woogal ...

possumtoy - I maybe didn't make myself clear but a book I wrote a few years back has a market if I can hire out hand helds with the book onboard, in html format.
I have investigated e books and haven't found one that fits the bill yet.

cheers again
Brian P.
If you think 320x240 on the GP32's screen is bad, wait until you try and do it on a mobile phone...
too rite ,itd bve sweet being able to go and sign into gp32x boasting your on your gp32 :P .No but really is it what we need? who reckons we should ?With linux theres gonna be alot more caabilities!Does any one know which veersion of linux it is or is it just a homebrew?