I've Got An Smc To Fill


Apr 10, 2005
Okay, I'm stumped.

I've got all this empty space after roms, emulators, and some homebrew and nothing to do with it.

Now, I've already played BOR mods to death, used GPcinema, played doom and quake, and used some of it for MAME. What are some of the best things you can put in this space? I'm at a loss.
DrMD (The GP megadrive emulator), What else :P . That should fill the card up, And then some. You may even need to purchase another card. :D

Streetfighter 2 Turbo
Sonic 1, 2, 3, 3+knuckles, Sonic & knuckles etc
Thunderforce 3
Wiz & Liz

And sooooooo many others, To many to list.

and some nes classics on little john

castlevania !!!


jackie chan!!

or you could stick fgb32 on and play some gameboy rpg!

harvest moon!!!




sPaCe :ph34r:
You guys misunderstand me. I've already filled my SMC with roms. I made some space for the quake paks by getting rid of the roms that weren't getting any play - the ones I was keeping as novelties.

So now that I've tried quake, I decided to kill it off. This left a 50meg hole in my SMC.

Question is, is there anything OTHER than the popular roms - castlevania, metroid, sonic - is there something I might have missed that's worth playing? I have plenty of space, what should I check out that I probably haven't already seen?
A good old classic scumm game, maybe monkey island 1 or 2, Day of the tentacle is well impressive with the speech and that but has some kind of in game protection (be warned) would be a excellent game though !!!
what about the Atari ST emulator and Dungeon Master and Bubble bobble

also how about Doom2 WADs, Goldeneye, Doom64, and others

also C64 emulator and Super Blitz - really old skool

Edit: and I forgot - really must try VNS and Warlock of firetop mountain
original interactive Book conversion of Fighting Fantasy book

there again you could also try "GP Sarien" and Kings quest and Space Quest and leisure suit Larry

and while your there if you have the original PC Loom disc you could also use FreeSCI and copy on the LOOM files and play Loom on the move

(although if you have the disc version then perhaps you should download the cracked PC disk and not have to carry the book with you - I have a photocopy of the original book page in my GPcase myself)
AXNJAXN posted on Jul 10 2005 at 04:24 AM said:
Question is, is there anything OTHER than the popular roms - castlevania, metroid, sonic - is there something I might have missed that's worth playing? I have plenty of space, what should I check out that I probably haven't already seen?

I know how you feel, because I've played all the popular games to death already as well.

Check this site out:

Aeon Genesis

It's a ROM translation group. (Note to Mods: There are no ROMs here, calm down! ;-) )

When you click on "Completed Projects" you'll get to all the complete patches. They've got lots of screenshots and a short review on every game, too. Very cool site!

It's mostly japanese NES+SNES games, but some others as well.
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For something completely different, install a text reading application and then download loads of books to read. I use !reader, which you can get here

I've also downloaded a huge collection of books, you can get the entire collection of many different author's into 50 MB. The quality of the text is very good too, I showed it to my (technophobe) mum and she thought it was really readable. And if you're really lazy, then you can let the text scroll up the screen and the correct speed , so you don't even need to presss any buttons.
V3X posted on Jul 10 2005 at 01:55 AM said:
ZERO WING!!1!!11!!
on DrMD

and Rockman and Forte(megaman and Bass) on osnes9x 0.3

"How are you gentlemen?"
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Guys, why do you only want roms?

Get Nazcadreams, Max Ghostpix, DStar, Electronia, Another World, The Warlock of Firetop Mountain, Crazy Jack, Pix's New Super Pang, xRick Gold, SmashGP, Xenon Omega Blast, GPFinalWar, GPWar 2

and, if you don't own a BLU+: Numo (if you don't have a BLU+), Giana's Return
Get Frodo (C64 emu) and download some game image files to go with it. You know it makes sense!
Dryer Lint posted on Jul 10 2005 at 04:47 AM said:
AXNJAXN posted on Jul 10 2005 at 04:24 AM said:
Question is, is there anything OTHER than the popular roms - castlevania, metroid, sonic - is there something I might have missed that's worth playing? I have plenty of space, what should I check out that I probably haven't already seen?

I know how you feel, because I've played all the popular games to death already as well.

Check this site out:

Aeon Genesis

It's a ROM translation group. (Note to Mods: There are no ROMs here, calm down! ;-) )

When you click on "Completed Projects" you'll get to all the complete patches. They've got lots of screenshots and a short review on every game, too. Very cool site!

It's mostly japanese NES+SNES games, but some others as well.

It's good to see that I'm not the only person on the board who plays AGTP games. I've already played live-a-live to death as well as most of the gundam and dragonball games that they translated.

As for ebooks, the roms, and most of those GP32 games, I've already done this. Several of these I've done since before I even bought a gp32. I read ebooks on a palm device, I played 8 and 16-bit roms to death on the PC emulators, and as for the GP32 games, I played most of the ones mentioned when I first bought my GP32.

I'm looking for games no one's heard of. I'm gonna look for a couple of the above mentioned roms, and I'm gonna head back to Aeon Genesis, simply because I haven't looked at it in a while. I would recommend that one too.
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while speaking about translations of games.. there was a news about a GB RPG, which was translated some time ago. They said it is really good and this news was (when i remeber correctly) also on this page. Sad thing is i forgot the name :( and wanted to play it. Perhaps someone can help me. Thanks!
hehe that was fast :) Thanks ED!

EDIT: an idea where i can find it, the translation, not the rom