Ive Fucked My Gp


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2003
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i just go tmy blu today and thougth i would flash the multi firmware onto it so i got the flashing tool. Put what i thought was the right fw.bin file in but once i flashed its just like the multifirmware but with black boxes to choose from no pacrom or wind ups or anything :( . What do i need to do to fix this ? :unsure:
i remember a place where u can send it in and they fix it for u for free, except u pay for shipping costs and such, check the old news archives.
yup im searching through them now but cant find anythin. The thing is i flashed my flu lots of times and never had any problems :(
i know ive fucked it up i done it on my flu just b4 i sold it and it worked ok. Ive emailed mr spiv askin if he still fixes them. I hope he does :( . Or maybe i coudl send it back to lik-sang and say it was liek that when i opened it :P .
Be calm. If you had a bad flash, your GP32 most likely wouldn't start at all. I've never heard of the problem you've experienced except with Aquafish's Multifirmware version 5.0, and even then it would not cause this problem with a bad flash. Follow the procedure below:

- Start with your GP32 turned OFF.
- Hold down your L button (Left Shoulder button) or R button (Right Shoulder button)
- Turn ON your GP32.

What happens?
:D :lol: :D :lol: :D :lol: :D :lol: :D YAFL comes up with L but anytime i try use anythin it gos to the selector bit with the black squares but with R i thikn its pacrom and it seems to work :rolleyes: THANKS generalnmx i should be able to flash it properly this time :D
YAFL comes up with L but anytime i try use anythin it gos to the selector bit with the black squares but with R i thikn its pacrom and it seems to work THANKS generalnmx i should be able to flash it properly this time

You're using aquafish's multifirmware v5 or v4 then. You need to put a conf.zpr in your gp:\ directory for it to load. Read the News Zone post about Aquafish's multifirmware to figure out how to make a ZPR properly.
On GP32 european website
GP32 firmware flash

If you miss your GP32 firmware flash you can send it to gpfr to get it repair.
The repairing is free, only transport charges have to be paid by sender. Please make a good packaging of your gp32 to avoid problems. For the moment that's all.
If you want you can send your packet as you want (delivery acknowledgement, tracing ...)
But gpfr can be take responsible for degradations du to transport or any thing else.

Mail GPFR here : contact[nospam]@gp32eu.com without [Nospam]