i've been inspired...

nerd of nerds

Feb 25, 2003
so th resident evil port was released, it looks like a final fantasy game. would a remakr or ff7, ff8, or ff9 for gp32 be possible? all the movies from the pc version of 7 are avi...
Well if you where to do it like the RE GP game you could wack it out pretty quick. static ripped graphics as backgorounds with a single moving character...... sounds like FF7 all over ;)
Well, I believe WonderSwan plays the ff series games, and I think someone is making a wonderswan emulator, so there you go! maybe I don't understand your question, but hoped that helped. Oh yeah, I think the guy who is making LJ Nes emulator is making it.
He's talking about the 3D FFs, namely FF7 onward. It might be feesible, but I'm not sure what type of format the PSX uses for their models. Since there is a PC version of Resident Evil, I think that's where the model was ripped (either that, or maybe a Half Life skin...come to think of it, there's probably a Half Life skin for all the FF7 characters).
yeah there is a pc version of ff7 and true you would have to sacrifice some things but hell look at the re port alot has been cut out but its a good idea and could be fun it ever finished. ff7 would jst take going through and taking decent screen shots of the scenes then animating the main charactor or other charactors much like re is doing so far. As for the battles no one ever said that it had to be true 3d and exactly like the psx version did they. That could also just use a rendered background and you could do it much like the older ff games did and not have to worry about the rotating screen and that sort of thing just get the monsters out there and go to town. Who knows what the rpg engines that are coming out will be like but they might be of use at this point. If they allow it you could use the rpg engine to drop in the scenes and the charactor models. Although at this point I don't know enough about them to be able to coment on how much freedom you would have to import graphics. As for the cut scens go I would say forget it. If you were to try to use .avi movies the game would be huge and you would have to try to create some sort of movie viwer or find an open source movie player to handle them and that would be too much work. I would say that taking some screen shots then using text over them to get the idea across much like the old ff games for the snes did or the opening for asr does. Over all I can't say that it would be unlikly but it would deffinatly take alot of time, skill and alot of creativity. You will not be able to port a game like that over perfectly but you might be able to make a decent interpretation that could be kinda fun to mess around with.
What woulb be good is if the new moviepark could take in command to play at cut scene then return to the app that played it!!!

So the app will have to savegame, play movie, then mpark load the game again and then the game reloads gamestate.
generalnmx posted on Jul 11 2003 said:
He's talking about the 3D FFs, namely FF7 onward. It might be feesible, but I'm not sure what type of format the PSX uses for their models. Since there is a PC version of Resident Evil, I think that's where the model was ripped (either that, or maybe a Half Life skin...come to think of it, there's probably a Half Life skin for all the FF7 characters).
Well, I have a 3D Model viewer where you are able to view all the 3D models.
I also have an extractor tool which extracts all the MIDIs from the PC version :)
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well the battles could just be 2d sprites with battles similar to snes ones, or it could be done in mode 7 , but that would look not so pretty.

I'm actually thinking of doing this, it would be a fun 2nd or 3rd project. but it would be a pain in the a----er----foot. but the only REALLY hard part would be the experience points system :( which only requires some math.
does anyone know where i might be able to find all of the text in ff7? like what people say? because that would be great! it would take time off of having to go through the game and type out EVERYTHING that is said :blink:
no, a remake with no 3d at all. but i need to find out how to extract the backgrounds from the pc version, which btw i have and it has 320x240 mode :D
Do you mean, technically its quite large or its so large that you can't be bothered to remake everything on it.

Anyway if a port was made and it was decent I'd pay £30 for it at least. A non-3D style would be sufficient if you just modelled the characters the same as what's being done in the Resident Evil port.

As for battles you could just capture screen shots from the PC game of battles with each enemy and then just animate a few frames and rebuild a command window, and a statistics hander so that inputs could be played agins each other. Its a lot of work and If I knew coding I would have started it already,Its just the crazy kinda thing I'd take on.
Nah it would run on gp32 if it was cut down a bit. Plus i know how to rip the models so taking halflife skins is useless.