Its on its way!


Still Fresh
Apr 21, 2003
I ordered yesterday and I've just received my shipping email so all in all I'm pretty damned pleased with the speed of order processing of GBAX (thanx craig).

Does anyone know if it's possible to boot directly into an emulator?
You kind of can, but not exactly.
Firstly, you'd have to be using the Multi-fw or Pacrom - then set "quick start" to on and set the quick start program to the emulator you want to boot into. Only problem is that its quite slow. And it involvesd firmware flashing, which isn't good.
At one stage there was talk of a "gamers' firmware", but I wouldn't reccoment it, even if it does come out - purely because new and better emus will eventually come out; putting specific non-final vers in a firmware only limits your usage of the console.
I agree with Tobriand, if anything, use the multi-fw, so you can a) switch back to the default OS without risking a firmware corruption (again :p) and B) change it to auto-load newer emulators.

- Rico