$259.00? What!?


Premium Member
Feb 5, 2004
USA, Maryland
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I just tried to order a FLU un-turbocharged GP32 from GBAX (thanks for the help all those that posted in my other topic) and when I got to the WorldPay page it said the whole thing would cost $260! GBAX just totalled up the total price on their website as $215, though, so I have no idea why it jumped up $45. If this is the real price there is no way that I'm ordering it, I simply cant afford that. Why does it say $259.99 while GbAX says its $215? BtW I'm in the US so maybe that has something to do with it. Is this website simply misinterpreting the data? Can anyone else add this up and see if they get the same price? I'm using AirMail as shipping BTW.
Maybe it has to do with current exchange rates?

On the Gbax site I was quoted as £ 136.31 ($ 215.36 - Euro 209.91) for the total.

At http://www.xe.com/ucc/ I converted both pounds and euros and came bout to about $250, so I think that's it.
so I have to pay THAT much? Is Lik-Sang any better? Maybe I'll get it there, because I certainly cant afford that much when Its only supposed to be $200+shipping. If craig can answer, is this the REAL price? Should I just ignore it and I'll only get charged the $215?
I asked the same thing, and I got an answer. GBAx is just an estimate on the price. The WorldPay is with the current rate.The 259 is what you will be charged. oh, and airmail can take forever so you may want to watchout for that.
Use www.play-asia.com

I bought mine there, it was like $150 for a non-flu with $5 shipping.

Mine also works at a stellar 166mhz.

He chose GBAX because they had the FLU, Play-asia hadn't any.

But, yeah like I said this is was why I went with Lik Sang. I've heard of them long before I heard of the GP32 and I hadn't heard much bad about them in all that time, or atleast they haven't developed a horrible reputation.
lik-sang! im in aust and i got mine for AUD$209 but now its like $190 (non-flu by the way) i think flu is $209 US or something
I'm in Germany and I bought mine (non-FLU) at Lik-Sang. Due to a very good change rate to EURO I had a price of EUR 118 + 8 Shipping + 21 VAT and it arrived after 12 days. :P
It is because the Dollar is so weak, there is no VAT to be added (your in the usa).

I believe the dollar is the weakest its ever been.

If you email me we can usually match any other sites price.


Tis true.. lousy economy (ordered from lik-sang, was pretty good place to order from) .Also, we've PO'ed the entire world, I don't blame em for not taking our money
Still I could almost buy a Gamecube and an Xbox together with a bunch of free games for that price! They would total up to about $275, whereas this is $260 and not nearly as powerful. I ordered from Lik Sang for $210 +$20 UPS Exprss shipping worldwide.
Efompor posted on Feb 6 2004 at 02:30 PM said:
Still I could almost buy a Gamecube and an Xbox together with a bunch of free games for that price! They would total up to about $275, whereas this is $260 and not nearly as powerful. I ordered from Lik Sang for $210 +$20 UPS Exprss shipping worldwide.
A handheld console isn't as powerful as an Xbox and GC combined? Get outta here!!!1 ;)

I remember the good old days, when a PC Engine GT on grey import cost about £300. Awesome!
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