Issues 1-8 of Sonic the comic


OMG 3 years here!
Jun 11, 2003
Bournemouth, UK
For those of you who are interested in my Sonic game for the PC or those who are just interested in Sonic in general. Tommorow I will be offering issues 1-8 of the official Sonic the Comic (scanned) for download, they're reasonable scans apart from a pink border I get one downside on my brand new epson scanner (can't sort it out sorry). I've only scanned the Sonic stories and no covers as this isn't an act of kindness, its part of my game so I've only produced what I need. 1-8 are only available for now to give you a taster and leave you at a cliff hanger (also because thats all I've managed to get done in four hours ;) but over the next few weeks 100 issues will be available.

I'll post a link tommorow afternoon, just thought I'd generate some early interest.

PS. I think it's legal because the publisher and creators shut down two years ago. Of course the characters and names are trademarked and copyrighted, but do Sega ever care about those things?
Oh yeah i remember buying 2 or three of these comics they were great.

I suppose the publisher shutdown cos of bad marketing!!
Like my new avater, if you can guess what it is, ill give you a free ehhh, let me think. freelauncher yeah.
Rambozo posted on Jul 16 2003 said:
But does he have issue #0.....nope. But I do. MWAHAHAHAHA!
Name your price.

Just a quick update.

I'm pissed off. :angry:

I've just failed my driving theory test (I got 100% on the questions but this new hazard perception test totally threw me, its such a stupid idea that teaches you to kill people.)

Plus all of the issues that I scanned were 12mb an issue which is a little impractical, and I've just found out that the scanner I'm using despite being only 6 months old, has been left switched on all its life by my parents, which is the reason why the pink lines down the side appear, and they're getting worse.

So, the comics might be delayed and slightly funny coloured down one side, but please keep checking this post and I'll get a link up asap.
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The first 10 - 20 issues aren't so great as the art work isn't consistent and the stories are just one offs with the occasional two parter. As they progress though, some fantastic stories arise which help fill in the gaps between and during some of the games.
Ahem, copyright violation anyone?

Do we really need to see these comics so much that this site can get into legal troubles?
Only download if you have the original copy but dont have a scanner of course.
Twimfy posted on Jul 16 2003 said:
Rambozo posted on Jul 16 2003 said:
But does he have issue #0.....nope. But I do. MWAHAHAHAHA!
Name your price.

Just a quick update.

I'm pissed off. :angry:

I've just failed my driving theory test (I got 100% on the questions but this new hazard perception test totally threw me, its such a stupid idea that teaches you to kill people.)

Plus all of the issues that I scanned were 12mb an issue which is a little impractical, and I've just found out that the scanner I'm using despite being only 6 months old, has been left switched on all its life by my parents, which is the reason why the pink lines down the side appear, and they're getting worse.

So, the comics might be delayed and slightly funny coloured down one side, but please keep checking this post and I'll get a link up asap.
Dont worry, I failed drivers ed too because they totally fucked up my schedule at the end and I missed all of my driving tests. Assholes didnt even tell me either, I had to spend all of my year in study hall cause the main office didnt know where I was supposed to go.

Anyway, dont make it lame like the dreamcast sonics. No eggman, no "radical awesome dude" crap. Nothing like that.
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jlebrech posted on Jul 16 2003 said:
Only download if you have the original copy but dont have a scanner of course.
Nice :)

That should clear any misunderstandings up ;)
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Oh yeah only download it if you have the originals, but like I said I'm not giving them away for enjoyment value, they will be a useful resource if any one helps out in future, I'm even thinking of producing a GP32 game based on them but I'm being ambtious enough as it is. (Really finding it hard to find time to learn C, its just not visual enough for me plus finding a decent compiler is tricky.)

I'm still rescanning so stick with me and I'll get them up asap.
As for the game, its based entirely on the comics so what's written in them is what you will see(not hear) in the game. I think there's a topic floating around somewhere.

If anyone has a problem with me advertising (if you could call it that) these comics on this forum, then just close the topic and delete it I don't mind, I'll have a site up soon anyway which will then take the unlikely consequences of copyright infringement of a dead company.
I sent him a PM earlier asking him if was the executor from return of the Jedi, so I think our combined effort means we're right......ooooh I can't wait for my prize.

Erm as for the comic status, they're uploading to my site now although I've just thought of something. I don't think my free freeservers account will allow such a large upload or download (10 issues = 4.5MB) so yet again there might be another delay, but judging by the huge demand (sarcasm - emphasis on huge) I don't think I need to hurry or keep posting these annoying updates.
No they won't be, they're just standard JPG's and quite large one's. I suppose you could just use an image viewer and chage their pallette, but as I've said the whole purpose is to give people and insight into the world of Sonic I'm dealing with whilst creating the game(s).