Is This Ebay Item Worth Buying?

Hello gp2xtreme (strange name for a newbee ;) )
I don't think buying this Cd will help you !
The best you can do with a handled like this is to learn. It's not so difficult, i think.
The best way to get helped is here, on this board.
Use the search button, FAQ and ask us, users, precise questions.
I think, many main problems had already been solved this way.
If you're willing to pay £5 + postage and wait two days for stuff you can legally download for free right now, all so you don't have to unzip them yourself, then by all means.

I figure the guy's profit on this is about £4.90 after the blank CD, assuming he got them on a spindle.

My advice would be, download them from the site, and then give the £5 (or more) to the developer of the emu you use most. You'll feel better about yourself.
gp2xtreme posted on Apr 5 2006 at 09:23 AM said:

I'm a newbie and have just got my GP2X. I've had it a week now and am confused about where everything should go. Basically, I can't get mine to work.

Is this ebay CD worth buying:


Is it legal?

The thing about emulators is that they get updated regularly ( or should do ;) ), so you could buy this CD and then the next day a new version of a emulator will be released. So you will be stuck using the old version until you buy another CD.

If you learn how to download and install the apps now you will then be able to keep your emulator up to date and it won't cost you a fortune.

@TheFr00n: :) Just read you signature, cheers mate I appreciate the effort you wen't through. Last night I was up to 2 in the morning, freezing my ass off in my non-central heated house ( which may as well be a fridge ), updating DrMD.
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I don't think there's anything wrong with what this guy is doing, he's clearly not going to make much money off of this. I personally believe that the gp2x is in fact very difficult to use for most people... but I'm not sure that this CD will help very much. Figuring out how to get the right additional files needed and where to put them and how to configure and run the apps is most of the difficulty, not downloading the original apps and unzipping them.

I dream of a day when there will be a lot of high-quality self-documenting click-and-play ports and homebrew for the gp2x. A CD of that stuff, so you really can say "just put this on your gp2x and you get a lot of ready-to-run great stuff", would be very useful for people who are not so much interested in README files and techie details but just want to play some games. That doesn't help with emulators, but emulators are not the only reason to get a gp2x. I have never even tried one, as the only console games I own are for the GameCube.

But regarding emulators, something that would be interesting would be a program that you could point at a ROM and it would automatically figure out exactly what had to be done to it and stuff it in the appropriate spot on a SD card or explain why it can't be done (I gather that sometimes they have to be converted from one format to another and sometimes they have to be in specific folders and sometimes they don't work at all). Like a RomzForDummiez type of thing. Probably written for Windows, as the Dummiez are probably using Windows.

Of course, those people are probably all off dealing with the latest virus infestation that they contracted from the gp2x community anyway so might be too busy.
"You give a man a fish he'll eat for a day, you teach a man to fish he'll eat for the rest of his life"
- Some chinese guy

Moral of the quote, you should learn to download here, because that CD will not solve all your problems. The sooner you learn to do things on your own, the better off you will be. And if you have any questions as to where to start off, ask me or anyone else in the community :)
This is a CD containing all of the files required to get a GP2X working.

Wow, i didn´t need any files to get my gp2x working. I just put batteries in and used the power switch. :P

Seriously though, this CD won´t do you any good, even if it solves your problems, you don´t want to rely on CDs to get your apps running?

Better download the stuff you need and read the readmes carefully, if you still have questions, you are free to ask them here.
Fishbong posted on Apr 5 2006 at 06:18 PM said:
Better download the stuff you need and read the readmes carefully, if you still have questions, you are free to ask them here.
At which point you'll be flamed for being another bloody noob, but it's all light hearted, just think of it as an initiation ritual ;)
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FluffyPanda posted on Apr 6 2006 at 02:01 PM said:
Fishbong posted on Apr 5 2006 at 06:18 PM said:
Better download the stuff you need and read the readmes carefully, if you still have questions, you are free to ask them here.
At which point you'll be flamed for being another bloody noob
Not if you're polite. If you go around saying "Yo dis pice of shit dun werk i wanna refunds help plz i have hoemwrok 2 do :angry: " then expect to be flamed.
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