Is Theres A Trick To Save Fsms And Fgen Conf.?

Aug 8, 2004
theres a trick to save fsms and fgen configuration.
each time i play these emu i have to change fgen to 166 mhz and fsms to fullscreen2:1:66

each time a load a game with fsms i have to put fullscreen again
thank you
Well it would make more sense if it was in a question form.

theres a trick to save fsms and fgen configuration.

each time i play these emu i have to change fgen to 166 mhz and fsms to fullscreen2:1:66

each time a load a game with fsms i have to put fullscreen again
thank you

That post makes no sense at all. These are basically incomplete sentences, I can't describe what they are missing.

If it was a question, it would make more sense.

Are there a trick to save fsms and fgen configuration?

Each time I play these emulators I have to change Fgen to 166mhz and Fsms to fullscreen, and whenever I choose a different game in Fsms I have to change the configuration again, needless to say this gets annoying.

So if you know any tricks, please tell me.

Thank you in advance.

That would make sense if that's what he's trying to say, but his original post makes no sense whatsoever. As i stated, its just giberish.

And anyways, this thread is in the I need help section.
I think what he is trying to say is there any way of saving your cofiguration in the above mentioned emus. gbfan_gbfan_gbfan I dont think there us any way of saving your configuration in any of ryleh's emulators, if any one know better please correct me.
Guys please dont be so hard on gbfan_gbfan_gbfan english is not his first language so please be understanding.
thank you for the answers !! you answered my question well. Anyway
sorry about the confusion. i think i wrote my question a little too late i was sleeping on my keyboard ZZZZZZZZ


my english is not so bad when im concentrate LOL
I don't think anyone answered his question except gear, but anyways, yea im pretty sure there is no way to save configuration.
gbfan_gbfan_gbfan posted on Aug 25 2004 at 05:30 AM said:
theres a trick to save fsms and fgen configuration.
each time i play these emu i have to change fgen to 166 mhz and fsms to fullscreen2:1:66

each time a load a game with fsms i have to put fullscreen again
thank you

English :
Each time I play fgen or fsms, I have to change fgen to 166Mhz and fsms to fullscreen.
Is there a way to save their configuration?
Thank you.

I hope I helped this guy... :p
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Kolkman posted on Aug 26 2004 at 07:31 AM said:
Gbafan is just a new Sam Fisher loser who wants to get a higher postcount, and dont care about where to put the topics in.

Your avatar reminds me of Dalto....
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No, its not possible yet
As ryleh already said: I wants to bring some emus until x-mas to final status.