Is There Anything A Dingoo Can Emulate Better Than A Wiz?


Still Fresh
Mar 29, 2008
Thought I'd ask you guys out of interest the following question: Are there any particular emulators and/or interpreters in which the Dingoo actually performs better than a GP2X Wiz? Or is it generally underpowered in everything in comparison?

It'd be interesting if the Dingoo somehow had - for example - a better SMS/GG emulator, with more functions in general.

Don't mind me, I'm just feeling some sense of disappointment in many of the offerings for Wiz, a machine I expected to kick ass in regards to many classic platforms (Neo-Geo, CPS2, SMS/GG, Amiga et al). My experience has taught me that it really is about how optimized or well-programmed a program is, besides whether the console in question has the horsepower to provide (near) perfect emulation.
for Dingux:
Snes9x4D for dingoo have better compatibility afaik.
UAE4all is pretty good.
Picodrive , well, its picodrive, so it is perfect =)
gPSP , needs some love, the sound lags, you cant change the keys. and it lacks a nice scaler, but runs pretty good.
psx4all , run better than the wiz one, and at a lower clock! @430mhz. some games like FFIX almost fullspeed (without sound)

Native dingoo system:
SMS/GG is almost perfect, with some little pitch sound problems.
CPS2/NeoGeo emu works very well but dont run properly some games like Metal Slug 3/5 and MvsC
NES Perfect emulator, seriously.
GBA - a ripoff of gpsp w/o source released. But runs pretty good, bad/weird aspect ratio.
Thanks for the response! Though, hmmmm, a look at the readme for PicoDrive Dingux reveals that it can't deal with audio tracks for CD titles atm. So that's kind of a win for the Wiz there (and my is it one of the best programs for the device!).

I'd be deeply surprised if psx4all does definitively perform better on the Dingoo. At the end of the day though, the PSP is still your best candidate for PS1 emulation. ;)

How many options and settings does the Dingoo's SMS/GG emulator provide? It would need to beat S8DS, SMS Plus PSP, MasterBoy and MMSPlus by some way. :D
MarzSyndrome said:
Thanks for the response! Though, hmmmm, a look at the readme for PicoDrive Dingux reveals that it can't deal with audio tracks for CD titles atm. So that's kind of a win for the Wiz there (and my is it one of the best programs for the device!).

I'd be deeply surprised if psx4all does definitively perform better on the Dingoo. At the end of the day though, the PSP is still your best candidate for PS1 emulation. ;)

How many options and settings does the Dingoo's SMS/GG emulator provide? It would need to beat S8DS, SMS Plus PSP, MasterBoy and MMSPlus by some way. :D

Firstly, I thought this was a comparision between the Dingoo and the Wiz ?, What has the PSP got to do with it ?.

Secondly, Why would it matter how many options and settings and emulator provides on one system when compared to another ?.

Surely it has to do with the overall experience, With speed being a factor in that too.

What would the point be of having and emulator with 50+ options and settings, If it performed like a slug, When compared
to an emulator that had only 5 options and settings, But performed nearly full speed ?.

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Picodrive perfect in Dingoo? I don´t think so. Take a look at this video of Virtua Racing in dingoo, for example, in Wiz that game runs perfect.

About the rest, well, it´s better to be confirmed from different sources, not everyone has both consoles, and sometimes the opinions are too subjetive.
raindog said:
Picodrive perfect in Dingoo? I don´t think so. Take a look at this video of Virtua Racing in dingoo, for example, in Wiz that game runs perfect.

I think Virtua Racing is the only Genesis game that´s buggy in Dingoo´s Picodrive. It´s 99% perfect. :P
As for GameGear/MasterSystem, SMSGGOO by Alekmaul is pretty awesome! Some options are there too, general game config, savestates, buttons, screenshots and Pro Action Replay. Also fullspeed on everything i tried. :D
I don´t know how good NeoGeo and Lynx are on a Wiz, both are pretty good on a Dingoo, NeoGEo has some slowdowns, e.g. in Metal Slug when there are LOTS of sprites on the screen. CPS(2) is very good with FBA for Dingux.

As for PSX, it depends on the game. If a game loads without BIOS, it´s faster than with. Most need it though, but some like GTA, Syde by Side, C&C2 and Wipeout 3 work fine without and are pretty playable. A pretty slow game is Driver (16 fps, 33 with Wall clock), how well does it run on a Wiz? Some Wiz/Dingoo battle would be nice, too bad there´s no one currently coding on psx4all i think.
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Wiz doesn't have a Lynx emulator (there's an old test version somewhere but it has no selector and has sound issues..?). Dingoo one is pretty spot on.

I've never tried PSX on either (why??) but everything else seems *much* better on Wiz. Dingoo is a lot cheaper though so it's swings and roundabouts really
Most Emulator issues are Software issues. It depends on the community. So you can't really compare different Emus.

You can compare the hardware or the design.
raindog said:
Picodrive perfect in Dingoo? I don´t think so. Take a look at this video of Virtua Racing in dingoo, for example, in Wiz that game runs perfect.

Virtua Racing is the only that is not working in dingoo.
I dont wanna play this game, so, for me, it is perfect =P

Yes, the wiz version of picodrive is better looking this way. But both versions are very nice!
If you need a portable to play genesis, you can get any of them ;)
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trooper said:
MarzSyndrome said:
Thanks for the response! Though, hmmmm, a look at the readme for PicoDrive Dingux reveals that it can't deal with audio tracks for CD titles atm. So that's kind of a win for the Wiz there (and my is it one of the best programs for the device!).

I'd be deeply surprised if psx4all does definitively perform better on the Dingoo. At the end of the day though, the PSP is still your best candidate for PS1 emulation. ;)

How many options and settings does the Dingoo's SMS/GG emulator provide? It would need to beat S8DS, SMS Plus PSP, MasterBoy and MMSPlus by some way. :D

Firstly, I thought this was a comparision between the Dingoo and the Wiz ?, What has the PSP got to do with it ?.

Secondly, Why would it matter how many options and settings and emulator provides on one system when compared to another ?.

Surely it has to do with the overall experience, With speed being a factor in that too.

What would the point be of having and emulator with 50+ options and settings, If it performed like a slug, When compared
to an emulator that had only 5 options and settings, But performed nearly full speed ?.

Sorry, it's just that the PSP is - from my experience - the best when it comes to SMS/GG joy. Wiz's AlexKidd2x has little to no functionality besides a simple settings menu (which don't make all that much difference) and a rom selector. No savestate function, no proper screen resizing capability, all too easy to quit out or select the wrong thing (button precision is kinda flaky to me)...

S8DS (which if you didn't work it out already is for DS ;)) certainly wipes the floor with it, but the only thing missing is PCM audio emulation, so things like the "Seeggaaa" chant in Sonic games won't play correctly.

Sometimes I wonder how easy or difficult it would be to port Akop's material to the Wiz. He certainly produces the slickest and nicest looking emulators I've ever seen on a handheld to date.... heck, Dingoo may benefit from it also. :)
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MarzSyndrome said:
trooper said:
MarzSyndrome said:
Thanks for the response! Though, hmmmm, a look at the readme for PicoDrive Dingux reveals that it can't deal with audio tracks for CD titles atm. So that's kind of a win for the Wiz there (and my is it one of the best programs for the device!).

I'd be deeply surprised if psx4all does definitively perform better on the Dingoo. At the end of the day though, the PSP is still your best candidate for PS1 emulation. ;)

How many options and settings does the Dingoo's SMS/GG emulator provide? It would need to beat S8DS, SMS Plus PSP, MasterBoy and MMSPlus by some way. :D

Firstly, I thought this was a comparision between the Dingoo and the Wiz ?, What has the PSP got to do with it ?.

Secondly, Why would it matter how many options and settings and emulator provides on one system when compared to another ?.

Surely it has to do with the overall experience, With speed being a factor in that too.

What would the point be of having and emulator with 50+ options and settings, If it performed like a slug, When compared
to an emulator that had only 5 options and settings, But performed nearly full speed ?.

Sorry, it's just that the PSP is - from my experience - the best when it comes to SMS/GG joy. Wiz's AlexKidd2x has little to no functionality besides a simple settings menu (which don't make all that much difference) and a rom selector. No savestate function, no proper screen resizing capability, all too easy to quit out or select the wrong thing (button precision is kinda flaky to me)...

S8DS (which if you didn't work it out already is for DS ;) ) certainly wipes the floor with it, but the only thing missing is PCM audio emulation, so things like the "Seeggaaa" chant in Sonic games won't play correctly.

Sometimes I wonder how easy or difficult it would be to port Akop's material to the Wiz. He certainly produces the slickest and nicest looking emulators I've ever seen on a handheld to date.... heck, Dingoo may benefit from it also. :)

Did you tested the emulator "ApprenticeMinusDS 0.4.0" ? (this name is horrible joke with DSMasterPlus emu)
from the same creator of jEnesisDS.
Ii run smoothly with high quality sound. Better than S8DS in some aspects.
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trooper said:
MarzSyndrome said:
Thanks for the response! Though, hmmmm, a look at the readme for PicoDrive Dingux reveals that it can't deal with audio tracks for CD titles atm. So that's kind of a win for the Wiz there (and my is it one of the best programs for the device!).

I'd be deeply surprised if psx4all does definitively perform better on the Dingoo. At the end of the day though, the PSP is still your best candidate for PS1 emulation. ;)

How many options and settings does the Dingoo's SMS/GG emulator provide? It would need to beat S8DS, SMS Plus PSP, MasterBoy and MMSPlus by some way. :D

Firstly, I thought this was a comparision between the Dingoo and the Wiz ?, What has the PSP got to do with it ?.

Secondly, Why would it matter how many options and settings and emulator provides on one system when compared to another ?.

Surely it has to do with the overall experience, With speed being a factor in that too.

What would the point be of having and emulator with 50+ options and settings, If it performed like a slug, When compared
to an emulator that had only 5 options and settings, But performed nearly full speed ?.

If performance was pretty close, features and options would play a big role for me. For example, the ability to load and save in place, the ability to scale sound rather than simply on or off since some games sound put more (or less) stress on the performance, the ability to change keys around to make it more comfortable to play and lots of other little things that can really improve the experience or tailor it for the specific game you are playing.
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