Is There A Virtual Dub-like Program For Mp3's??


Programer Guru! the making
Feb 2, 2004
Is there a program that I can slightly lower bitrate to fit more music on my GP32 and also sorta like Virtualdub does for Movies?
I would search, but mp3 is only 3 letters, and I searched song, songs, and music, way to many results to read


also, something that can boost volume in a mp3 and not lose qualtiy ( or not much )

edit agian
while were on the subject, whats your fav mp3 player on the gp32?
Just go to and search for audio conversion software in the tools section. I'm sure you'll find the right tool for you! For me I use Jetaudio(Full version), it's the perfect tool: all popular formats (even including mp3PRO!) conversion, batch processing, really fast encoding spped and good encoding quality! I'm sure you can find a place to download it ;) . I strongly suggest to convert all your files to ogg since you have a better quality for a less higher bitrate. With jetaudio it's as easy as 1, 2, 3; it even transfer ID3 tags!!!!
You loose to much quality decoding a mp3 back to wav, and then encoding it into ogg.
I tried it sometimes, but my files always got bigger.
And it is just talking too long if you want to do it for all your files.
You loose to much quality decoding a mp3 back to wav, and then encoding it into ogg.
I tried it sometimes, but my files always got bigger.
And it is just talking too long if you want to do it for all your files.

Eh, if one wants to get smaller MP3's from Mp3's, one is going to lose quality anyway, so why not go for OGG?

On the subject, Audacity is a swell free program with tons of features, ease of use, and it's free! Totally! Did I mention it costs nothing?

For mass normalizing and trimming, I use something called MP3trimpro. Works marvels, you can set it to increase the db's of a song, but only so that it doesn't start breaking the sound... (Breaking? Too much volume, and the sound crackles?)
Also, with the trimming function you can lose some empty space from the behginning and the end of a song. Slightly smaller files.
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now thats what I call a noob!
dude, your own of the best noobs I can recall for a while
thx for the info

what about mp3 players? what do yall use

Irl or on the computer?
On the computer:
winamp classic (well the skin).
In real life:
mp-man f40, twas a present, just 64mb but still good, may put my soon to come 128mb SMC in it in fact.
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Dude get winlame! it will encode mp3's to lower bitrates or to ogg if you want to try it out. Ogg is worth the effort for gp32 but you'll probably never use the files anywhere else.

dude!? when did any one last say dude? very bill and ted