Is The Gp32 Really This Rare?

Don't you just hate people who blatantly ask silly amounts for things on Ebay AND also try to rip you off with the postage costs too!!!
Nah, that seller sold a gp32 for a ridiculously high amount of money before... He's either incredibly thick or clever enough to sell a gp32 for that kind of money. I am really not sure which of the two.
Squidge said:

£219.00 + £13.90 P&P

"Game Park 32 console. No game is included. The console is NEW and complete in box."

A used one will set you back about $100-125 (for a blu), so a brand new one complete in the box for 220 pounds might be reasonable for someone in England (I've heard that things are about the same price in numbers, like something here that's $5 would be 5 pounds in England) who wants a NEW one. Perhaps to replace his old one which he uses all the time and really enjoys. Now for an American, 220 pounds is way too much, but $220 might not be.

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What I don't get is that apparently virginplay in spain is still selling new BLU's for 50 euros (or something like that), so you'd be better off finding someone in Spain to just get you one that way...
Hooka said:
What I don't get is that apparently virginplay in spain is still selling new BLU's for 50 euros (or something like that), so you'd be better off finding someone in Spain to just get you one that way...
Won't they deal with US customers? IF they do I might just pick one up. I'd love to have a new blu.

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Hooka said:
What I don't get is that apparently virginplay in spain is still selling new BLU's for 50 euros
Right. GP32 BLU + a random original game for 50 euros.

They are not always new. It seems that some are used. It is as random as the game that the offer includes :) They all seem to work ok, since there are new users from time to time in gp32spain from the Virgin offer.
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Squidge said:

£219.00 + £13.90 P&P

"Game Park 32 console. No game is included. The console is NEW and complete in box."

I'm a very regular eBay-guy - this GameBargain dude has had this for sale on eBay for a year I reckon. He must have several and possibly just flogs them off occasionally at that price.

I have noticed that GP32s are becoming increasingly less frequent. Especially "as-good-as-new" ones. Certainly brand new, unused and mint in the box is now incredibly rare.

Over the years I wonder how many of the original GP32s are still in a playable condition? I'd love to do a poll but I think I'd get skewed results.

I have several GP32s, the only one that isn't playable is a BLU+ which I bought brand new but faulty.
It can't read its SMC. Which is a bummer as it's so shiny new.

Would it be possible to reflash its BIOS which included a game? :-)
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that auction is crazy. i got my gp32 a year and a half ago and it's the original unlit version, 2nd hand but in excellent condition once i did the glass screen mod. (the original screen was all smeared.) it was £40 including postage and that included three SMC's (1x128M and 2x16M) and it was pre-flashed to aquafish with LOADS of games on.

and i just picked up a gp2x for £70 inc P+P with a 1 gig SD card FULL of emulators and roms. i've not even had time to look at them all yet.


oh, and the gp2x included a battery charger and carry case for that and the condition of it's flawless.

I had the same experience, brand new blu+ that won't read smc's and something is wrong with the bios/memory, I get some corrupted chars on screen. I would love to find a solution because the screen is tons better than my flu and nlu! And like you say, so shiny and new :(