Is Gp32 To Gp32 Possible By....


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2003
Is GP32 to GP32 possible be linking them somehow with the EXT Ports (Or has this already been properly answered?)

yes, by RF wireless link. Only some games support it though (and a private version of gpengine) and you would be lucky to find one around....
yaustar posted on Sep 1 2004 at 11:36 PM said:
yes, by RF wireless link. Only some games support it though (and a private version of gpengine) and you would be lucky to find one around....

I've got two ;)
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I know about the RF, But I meant Connect them With a Wire (Liek a Network Cable but it will be in the EXT Port)
Well the lead wouldn't be hard to make, but I think you would need software etc. for it to work, I also don't know how fast the transfer on them leads are.

EDIT: Wait, the RF goes in the ext. port, so surely a lead would work too.
sure you can easy make yourself a normal nullmodem cable with 115200b. but nothing would suport it, well, maybe gp linux:-)
finty101 posted on Sep 2 2004 at 09:59 AM said:
EDIT: Wait, the RF goes in the ext. port, so surely a lead would work too.

Thats what I was thnking. I thought that Seen as the RF goes in to the EXT then a Cable linking the 2 GP32's would work. I also would have thought that all the stuff that uses the RF would work with the cable as well, or would it all need re writen?
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if you want to be rf compatible you would have to use a µc and write a programm to translate the commands, than it would be compatible.
Vimacs posted on Sep 4 2004 at 05:56 PM said:
if you want to be rf compatible you would have to use a µc and write a programm to translate the commands, than it would be compatible.

sounds easier just buying 2 RF's :P hehe
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