Is anyone using i3 on their Pyra?


Hardcore Member
May 29, 2010
If so, is your dmenu invisible? On mine, the font is invisible. Same with emacs, and urxvt if I tell it to use xft fonts. Also it says no battery in the i3bar, any way to fix that?
Also, the screen doesn't turn off when I close the lid. What do I need to do to add that?
The lid sensor in the Pyra (as with the Pandora) is simply detected as a key press by the operating system. To turn the screen off you can use xset dpms force off and to renable it use the same command but with 'on' at the end. You may be able to configure this in your i3 keys file, the only problem is I suspect the best way to configure it is at lid key down you switch the screen off but turn it back on when the key releases, which I've only used that file to describe complete key down and back up events before now, but perhaps it has the flexibility to help.
I'm sure there's some way to fix it. What I really need is to figure out why some fonts are invisible. dmenu, emacs, xpaint, and sxiv all have invisible fonts.
Have looked into the config files / manuals of dmenu,sxiv etc., , may be you can try changing fonts used by dmenu or try alternative (rofi/bemenu etc.)
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You can try running dmenu/sxiv from terminal to see they have and error output.
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Unfortunately, I think it's the font system they use. I bet they all use xft. When I tell urxvt to use xft fonts, it has invisible fonts too. But i3's titlebars and i3status use pango, and they work.
i'll use the desktop feature (or windows 1-10), even if i don't use the tiling so much
Okay, font issue was a problem with etnaviv, here is fix.

Only remaining issue is I can't figure out how to make the Pyra button work as $mod. It's XF86MenuKB and i3 says that's not a valid key to use for $mod. Why? It says Mod3 can be used, and Mod3 is blank. Can I assign XF86MenuKB to Mod3?
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Isn't the screen a tad small for i3?
It's actually great, I get more screen space for applications with tabbed mode in i3 than with Mate.
Appreciate the fixes you guys have found so far.

Any word on fixing the "No Battery" on i3bars?
For i3bar, battery status, look into .config/i3status/config and edit "path = "/sys/class/power_...." line to reflect pyra battery status. Someone with Pyra can confirm and give exact correction.
battery 0 {
        path = "/sys/class/power_supply/bq27421-0/uevent"
        format = "%status %percentage %remaining"
        low_threshold = 15
        threshold_type = percentage
#        last_full_capacity = true
This is what I have in my "~/.config/i3status/config" file.
Appreciate the help,fellas. Now just to figure out turning off the keyboard light and screen when the lid is closed, I have messed with linux and i3 a little bit, so i'll see if i can figure it out and post here, but if anyone has something working please let me know
Appreciate the help,fellas. Now just to figure out turning off the keyboard light and screen when the lid is closed, I have messed with linux and i3 a little bit, so i'll see if i can figure it out and post here, but if anyone has something working please let me know
I *think* the lid close/open are key events. Try running
close and open the lid. If that shows events for these 2 things, then try setting up shortcut for theses events