Invisible Shield

It's probably just the non-native speaker thing going on here, but for someone who claims not to be affiliated with the brand in question, your post doesn't half sound like an ad....

Just saying.
Thank you for your feedback.

It's not a non-native speaker thing. My previous post sounds like an advertisement because I virtually talked about nothing but the Martin Fields screen protector, and since I'm extremely nitpicky and do not typically recommend things that are not at the very least damn near perfect, I simply do not have much negative to say about Martin Fields at this point. Neither was I able to find many negative claims about Martin Fields from other people back when I wrote the test, with the notable exceptions that some people think that the price is too high and/or do not want sharp reflections (for whatever reasons). Actually, I'd really like to hear about more negative experiences with Martin Fields.

The test itself is more neutral than my previous post because it is not focussed on the properties of the Martin Fields screen protector.

It's of course your decision whether or not you to trust me, but I would like to tell you anyway that if I wanted to artificially increase the sales of any company, then I would not do it in such a stupid and obvious way. (I don't have any intention to do so because I'm not one of the bad guys.)
So, who here did end up using a screen protector on Pandora? I'd really like to hear about your long-term experiences with whatever type of screen protector it is that you've been using, and how well it fared...
No screen protector here... No scratches... But I do not use the touchscreen for more than the occasional poke and rarely do intense slide operations.
So, who here did end up using a screen protector on Pandora? I'd really like to hear about your long-term experiences with whatever type of screen protector it is that you've been using, and how well it fared...
I used an anti-glare one for a while and it worked alright and didn't lose much sensitivity, but it took away from the vibrancy of the screen enough that I ditched it after half a year or so.
I bought a DS XL Screenprotector, then used some scissors... Removed it that same day because it did not look all too good. Touch kept on working irrc.
I made one out of a cheap tablet screen protector. It has really rough edges, but I kept it "just in case". Touchscreen functionality is still fine.
I installed a sheet of clear plastic cut to size (designed as a cheap DIY screen protector admittedly) the first time I took my Pandora apart. It's now covered in an even layer of scratches going in all directions, so overall it just looks slightly misty, and there's slightly more on the right hand side of the screen than on the left (I guess I mainly used it playing Drastic). My Pandora stylus is also ground down at an angle purely down to use, so it has a pointy side and a soft side now.

I installed the protector so that it would scratch rather than my touchscreen scratching, so it's probably served its purpose even though it's clearly not very good. I've used various touchscreen protectors over the years, and it's clear that some are better than others. I only use Hori protectors where available these days, as I found those to be the most durable of the ones I've tried, but they don't do one in the right size for my Pandora unfortunately.

Edit: According to my records, it was one of these: Amazon product ASIN B001JJX2R4