I didn't even know that it exists, apparently it was yesterday.
Well, time for some issue awareness then:
Wikipedia really needs an update (2008):
Not sure whether that's allowed to be mentioned at least once per year without a backlash in the form of the usual victim shaming, but I thought it would be the only occasion.
Well, time for some issue awareness then:

Suicide death rates by gender U.S. 1950-2022 | Statista
The suicide rate among men in the United States is over 3.5 times higher than that of women. Since the 1950s men have had a higher suicide rate than women.


Why Are There More Homeless Men Than Women? - Cultural Daily
According to the most recent SAMHSA report, the homeless population was approximately 51% single men and 24% single women, 23% families.

“I’ve been homeless. 8 years of it. This is bullshit. I’d say 10% are female. Don’t even get me started on the inequality of it. Women get to come and go at the shelter. Men are herded like cattle. A woman goes in and asks for a job they get career training, good references and a foot in the door. A man asks for a job they get put on a list of maybe 50-100 guys for maybe 20 jobs a day that pay $10 per hour for hard labor.”

Share of homeless individuals by gender U.S. 2023 | Statista
In 2023, about 68.4 percent of the estimated number of homeless individuals in the United States were male, compared to 30 percent who were female.

‘Equal pay day’ this year is April 12; the next ‘equal occupational fatality day’ will be in the year 2027 | American Enterprise Institute - AEI
Every year the National Committee on Pay Equity (NCPE) publicizes its “Equal Pay Day” to bring public attention to the gender pay gap. According to the NCPE, “Equal Pay Day” will fall this year on April 12, and allegedly represents how far into 2016 women will have to continue working to earn...

Not sure whether that's allowed to be mentioned at least once per year without a backlash in the form of the usual victim shaming, but I thought it would be the only occasion.