Interesting Valve/OpenGL, mobile gaming article..

In MY opinion, you are worsening the Linux games market by refusing to buy titles on Steam, because they benefit to Linux as a platform. Valve gets some of my money because they support the Linux client and the ports, and the developers get some of my money too for providing the Linux support. They deserve it, and I want to encourage that (just like I encourage every Linux-supporting HB out there). As a gamer I want to get rid of Windows for gaming for good, and this is how I can "vote with my dollars". And I'm certainly not pass on games I want to play just because they are on Steam.
I don't think so: Looking back some years I'm solely looking at HB beeing the company that brought games on Linux a big step forward, not Steam. Did Valve do anything else other than their "hey there is OpenGL" panels to support bringing games to Linux (don't really know, tell me if you know more about it) ? They are not interested in bringing games to Linux, they are interested in bringing games to their plattform - which just happens to be linux based.If you are a gamer and want get rid of Windows, why not "vote with your dollars" by spending it in the HB store ? This way you serve both purposes: showing devs that Linux is a plattform that is worth developing for and that they do not need a DRM system to earn a few bucks with it.

But with a market that hasn't any big growth potential anymore, you automatically take away sales from one seller if you buy things in the store of the other. So where exactly do you help linux gaming in general and not the Steam plattform by buying something from steam.

As for "trying to change their business model from the inside", well Valve is actually competing against other players out there, GOG and HB, which both provide DRM-free games - so if it makes sense for Valve to go DRM-free, I'm sure they will do it one day too.
Again why should they, If their sales model is working ? Why should they invest time (and probably money) in something that wont bring them any benefits ?
Well, as I said, it's a compromise. You get easy-painless installation and maintenance of your games, but you get some of your rights taken away. If they take away more of your rights, then they will lose users, lose business, and they'll probably consider again whether they should have done it or not.
Are you sure about that. Do you really think that people will just simply throw away their game library, mods, achievements, saves etc. Or will they do some cursing inside and then just click that damn "accept" ?
In the end it's about trust. I trust Steam way more than I trust Origin or XboxLive or PSN - because Steam is way more open and transparent about what they do and want to do, and so far they have always put the gamers ahead of everything else. "Family sharing" -> they got the publishers to accept that, while it may result in lower sales - doesn't it show that they really care about what gamers want ?
When did they implement family sharing ? Don't know for sure, but wasn't that about the same time MS was pressing this topic in conjunction with their xbone launch ?
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why dont you use a vpn to bypass all this shit?
Because I boycott online activations anyway and don't want to have to do stuff like this. ;)

Besides the censorship is in the keys itself as I've heard and then you cannot do anything about it.
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Nintendo deserves much credit for being mavericks in this industry. The WII U gamepad was the first with a screen and interacting with the game both visually and physically. The 3DS with the 3D screen was a real breakthrough in handheld video gaming. 
If I had been eating while reading this, I would have choked myself hard!

Ha! "Mavericks in this industry" ? This must be a good joke. Apart from the Wii, there's hasn't been much innovation in what Nintendo does for dozens of years. The WiiU gamepad was nothing new, the same technology was already existing on tablets way before the WiiU was launched, and the touch technology they used on it was crap, too, and the whole thing feels like a toy. The 3DS's 3D screen ? Useless. It did not change how we play games or anything. It's a gimmick that most people turn off after a while. I haven't seen any good reason to keep it on, and guess what, they made the 2DS recently, because they realised people don't really care anyway. 

Nintendo is the least innovative company around, they're from the most conservative part of Japan as well (Kyoto), and that matches very well with their attitude. And in terms of games, they just keep rehashing the same IPs and characters and series over and over again. Mario 36, Zelda 53, Mario Kart 12, Mario Party 79, no thank you. 
Please ekianjo never have a cafe coronary on my behalf  :o !!!!!!!!

Oh more thought here :

It isn't as if STEAM creates these games. Rather they are a liaison so the game may be streamed via PC or MAC. So I don't see where STEAM even holds a candle to Sony,Nintendo or XBOX. It seems to me this whole streaming/cloud technology is becoming more commonplace and hence creating internet elbow room only and power plays. I see these STEAM boxes that are coming as an inferior attempt to compete with the major consoles already out. I think they will not do very well $$.  I also believe folks that own a decent PC would not even want these STEAM box consoles.
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. I see these STEAM boxes that are coming as an inferior attempt to compete with the major consoles already out. I think they will not do very well $$.  I also believe folks that own a decent PC would not even want these STEAM box consoles.
First, they are not made to compete with consoles. It's not cheap. It's not priced for mainstream anyway. It's for PC gamers. So the comparison is useless. 

As for the folks who have a PC, well it depends. I don't want to move my PC to the living room, so having a separate box may make sense, and if I want to have high resolution gaming with real graphics, i'd better have a powerful PC under the hood than a PS4 or Xboxone which are very weak systems in terms of hardware. Plus, you'll get VR capabilities in two years time with it, it will probably change the gaming environment significantly. 
. I see these STEAM boxes that are coming as an inferior attempt to compete with the major consoles already out. I think they will not do very well $$.  I also believe folks that own a decent PC would not even want these STEAM box consoles.
First, they are not made to compete with consoles. It's not cheap. It's not priced for mainstream anyway. It's for PC gamers. So the comparison is useless. 

As for the folks who have a PC, well it depends. I don't want to move my PC to the living room, so having a separate box may make sense, and if I want to have high resolution gaming with real graphics, i'd better have a powerful PC under the hood than a PS4 or Xboxone which are very weak systems in terms of hardware. Plus, you'll get VR capabilities in two years time with it, it will probably change the gaming environment significantly. 
Please get real. How many tech companies produce products not wanting it to be mainstream? It's an inventors dream.

The PS4 has very powerful specs more so then the XBOX ONE. It rivals and surpasses many PC'S and MACS out there. Not to forget all the homemade XBMC/Hyperspin emulator consoles out there and people who pirate or jaibreak on the mainstream consoles. What about STEAM games that are also on all the other consoles [i.e., Half Life,PORTAL comes to mind]. You do not think that is mainstream competition? You are wrong.

A gaming console is a gaming console and wether you realize it or not the competition with other gaming consoles is always there. People will have more consoles to decide from and that is called competition. It's also called business and this is a business.
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The PS4 has very powerful specs more so then the XBOX ONE. It rivals and surpasses many PC'S and MACS out there
Mouahhahahaa. Sorry, this was too funny.

Seriously, check the specs of the AMD APU it uses. It's weak as shit. Not even the level of a mid range PC graphic card. Stop drinking the Microsoft/Sony propaganda.
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A gaming console is a gaming console and wether you realize it or not the competition with other gaming consoles is always there.
Nope, because usually the PC titles appeal to a very different crowd of people. Of course there are some overlaps, but it's not as big as you imagine. Want to play rome total war 2 on Xboxone or PS4? You are out of luck, no can do.

Of course these markets are different.
A gaming console is a gaming console and wether you realize it or not the competition with other gaming consoles is always there.
Nope, because usually the PC titles appeal to a very different crowd of people. Of course there are some overlaps, but it's not as big as you imagine. Want to play rome total war 2 on Xboxone or PS4? You are out of luck, no can do.

Of course these markets are different.
I disagree.

There are many 'overlaps' and there will be more. Too much cluster in my humble opinion. 

The Diablo series,Crysis series are  fine examples and there are many more, however, I do not feel the need to type a list for you.
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The Diablo series,Crysis series are fine examples and there are many more, however, I do not feel the need to type a list for you.
Well, if you want to play FPS with a mouse, MMORPG, stragegy games, Eve Online, Indie games (before everyone else), the PC is THE platform to have. There are many games you will never find on consoles. Again, the market is different. That's why you have these titles on PC and not on consoles.
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The Diablo series,Crysis series are fine examples and there are many more, however, I do not feel the need to type a list for you.
Well, if you want to play FPS with a mouse, MMORPG, stragegy games, Eve Online, Indie games (before everyone else), the PC is THE platform to have. There are many games you will never find on consoles. Again, the market is different. That's why you have these titles on PC and not on consoles.
I think you are wrong.

As I mentioned ,you will find much overlapping.Again look at the DIABLO series,CRYSIS,PORTAL,BATTLEFIELD,CALL OF DUTY and many more graphically intense games which are finely done ports.If there are differences control wise or graphically they are becoming less and less noticeable.

Don't forget about game control mapping alternatives. This is why there are game pad controllers made for PC.

As I previously stated, the overlapping will increase. There will be and always have been control alternatives and this technology is still growing [i,e. slide/touch control gamepads which mimic mouse functions].

I do enjoy PC games . I just think the PC exclusivity with gaming is dwindling .
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The PS4 has very powerful specs more so then the XBOX ONE. It rivals and surpasses many PC'S and MACS out there
Mouahhahahaa. Sorry, this was too funny.

Seriously, check the specs of the AMD APU it uses. It's weak as shit. Not even the level of a mid range PC graphic card. Stop drinking the Microsoft/Sony propaganda.
The PS4's GPU block is roughly equivalent to a 7850, although it is not directly analogous to any current graphics card.  That is graphics card that goes for ~200USD as does the nVidia equivalent.  While not the most powerful card, it's not worthy of that attitude.

If you were rolling the traditionally weak console CPU into that and the effect noted with the 7th gen that a computer with the same GPU but a decent CPU could get more performance, you'd have a point.  Although if all 8 cores can be used effectively it's not as bad as it might first appear.  If you were focusing on Total Cost of Ownership and apparent cost saving up front don't necessarily translate to cost savings over the life of the platform due to a tendency for higher game costs as the OEM tries to actually make a profit, you'd have point.  If CocoCreek was throwing out the common 10k nonsense argument, you might have point.  If you were focusing on the issue that "optimization" can often just mean the developer opens the graphic/feature options and start turning dials down until it runs with a reasonable facsimile of smoothness, rather then actually handcoding things a low level, you'd have a point.

As is you're trying to context a statement about many PCs/Macintoshes havng inferior specs, which they do.  That statement might even be valid for most given the trend is towards units that rely on Intel graphics with a dual core CPU.
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The PS4's GPU block is roughly equivalent to a 7850, although it is not directly analogous to any current graphics card.  That is graphics card that goes for ~200USD as does the nVidia equivalent.  While not the most powerful card, it's not worthy of that attitude.

Well said and I agree.

The PS4 has very powerful specs more so then the XBOX ONE. It rivals and surpasses many PC'S and MACS out there
Mouahhahahaa. Sorry, this was too funny.

Seriously, check the specs of the AMD APU it uses. It's weak as shit. Not even the level of a mid range PC graphic card. Stop drinking the Microsoft/Sony propaganda.
The PS4's GPU block is roughly equivalent to a 7850, although it is not directly analogous to any current graphics card.  That is graphics card that goes for ~200USD as does the nVidia equivalent.  While not the most powerful card, it's not worthy of that attitude.

If you were rolling the traditionally weak console CPU into that and the effect noted with the 7th gen that a computer with the same GPU but a decent CPU could get more performance, you'd have a point.  Although if all 8 cores can be used effectively it's not as bad as it might first appear.  If you were focusing on Total Cost of Ownership and apparent cost saving up front don't necessarily translate to cost savings over the life of the platform due to a tendency for higher game costs as the OEM tries to actually make a profit, you'd have point.  If CocoCreek was throwing out the common 10k nonsense argument, you might have point.

As is you're trying to context a statement about many PCs/Macintoshes havng inferior specs, which they do.  That statement might even be valid for most given the trend is towards units that rely on Intel graphics with a dual core CPU.
@Jebe..I agree.

@ekianjo...and nothing is funny about this at all. 'Mouahhahahaa'???... calm down lad. ;)
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