Interesting Habits





as u can see my other bad habit is spouting complete crap




as u can see my other bad habit is spouting complete crap
I changed where u went poppin down to... :lol:
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I always flick the ash off a cigg even when theres none to flick so im constantly doin it unles im actually toking on it.

I always look at my watch unless occupied, i tend to have a real thing about having to know the time for some reason yet i am always late for stuff.

I draw cubes on any bit of paper i use and on lined bits of paper i put triangles in the top left hand corner.

When i drink beer from a bottle when im finished i always crush the bottle top and put it inside the bottle.

The biggest habbit i have is folding crisp packets into little triangle packages when im finished eating them.

I dont like walking round something in a circle, if i do i have to walk back round it the opposite way the same amount of times yet i have no idea why. :blink:
don, it sounds like some of your friends are displaying signs of OCD.

i incessantly make noise whenever i have company, unless of course its a silent moment which makes any quiet times even more poignant (sp.???)

OCD: We can all thank games and television for that.

I have so many things I have to do, including touching everything with one hand, then the other and finally both. Doing everything in mutliples of three, even making my girlfriend say things three times if I need her to. Curling my toes and pressing them aganist any surfice for three seconds. Cracking every bone I can (it sounds terrible) Permentaly messing with my fringe. Pushing my top lip right above my front teeth and making a werid noise. Applying Shampoo in the shower and rinsing it off 4 or 5 times a shower. Not walking on cracks in the road-or where the pavement changes colour. Getting to the top of the steps at work before the door closes.

That's a few.
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Biting my finger nails, popping my knuckles, making a *squeak* sound or saying something random like "bacon" when a conversation comes to an akward silence, I always look in all directions without moving my head when walking without realizing it, spending hours deciding what to eat when i'm hungry until I finally fall asleep, leaving my room messy [unless i run out of blank spots to insert my foot to walk around the room], involentarily laughing at thoughts in my head in inappropriate times, stopping at something like work or chores to do something funner like playing games or using the bathroom, and probably a few more I cant think of...

....oh, yeah, thinking too much to the point where you keep telling yourself to shut up and start to feel like your going insane. I hate that. I hate that so much. :angry:

:P :D :lol: :)
when i get home i play vieo games till 10-10:30 at night with periodic breaks surfing the net (mostly gp32x and gametrailers and gamestop and gamespot... no not that.) and never do any homework. i also look in all directions without moving my head (people get freaked out by that. and i don't know why :huh: ) i too pop my knuckles/legs/feet/toes/neck/back. i poke people a lot. I yel random words in crowded areas (for instances the other day with waiting in a line at school i started screaming "IT'S FROZEN" over and over) i also do wierd walks (mostly making fun of gansters, like i'm making my own "cool" walk) by pulling up my pants and walking with my feet pointing out or do the goose walk with hei hitler in open areas where people can and DO see me. I'll do wierd poses in public and stay in them for awhile (the other day in the lunch room i was eating a rice crispy then i posed holding it up in the air like Lacelot did with the excaliber). I piss people off for no reason what so ever just for my amusement. I swear a lot... A LOT... not that swearing is fucking bad or anything and people who thinks it bad can shove their heads up their ass. I mock religions. I tell people stuff that isn't true and make them belive it just to have them find the truth out and it's wrong making them look like an idiot. I like to mess with emotions... especially couples. Like i'll see someone i know going out with another person and say i say their bf/gf make out with another person. I laugh at the unfortunate and people who have less than me. I think people in third world contries are fucking lazy as hell. And if God and the Devil really existed i would like to be a Soul Collector for the Devil (i'm not a satanist or anything it's just god was real he's TO nice and TOO hypocritical and just playing stupig whn his names is dog backwards and talks to wondering drunks by turning himself into a bush on fire [get that one? :huh: ]).

Yep... <_<

Oh and i can't stand open doors even if it is so close to being closed like all it hasn't done is clicked. And this isn't really a habit but really wierd i can tell if a TV is on in the other room without even hearing it or anything as long as my TV is not on or a TV closer to me isn't on. I have this wierd sense and i can hear i slight ring and it's with any TV (even plasma).
I always do the highlighting and unhighlighting of text on the computer. Im always playing with my airsoft gun while I sit at my computer, just adjusting the sites, and taking off and putting peices of it on and off. When I walk anywhere I'm always looking around me and at rooftops and windows for snipers :unsure: I always drum my fingers on the space bar.
I have a couple

I am paranoid about things, i have to check the fridge is shut 4 times before i go to bed. I once ran all the way through town and back to my brothers car to check i locked it.

I also have a habit of picking up on other peoples traits and copying them. I was never conscious of it until someone pointed it out. I do it all the time, especially when i meet new people. Sometimes my accent will change slightly and sound more like that person. I will start moving like them. I will pick up ad habuts from them.

It freaks me out sometimes coz I cant help it. I was in Japanese class and someone new had a stutter, so for the rest of the lesson I was stuttering
It freaks me out sometimes coz I cant help it. I was in Japanese class and someone new had a stutter, so for the rest of the lesson I was stuttering

I have a couple

I also have a habit of picking up on other peoples traits and copying them. I was ever conscious of it until someone pointed it out. I do it all the time, especially when i meet new people. Sometimes my accent will change slightly and sound more like that person. I will start moving like them. I will pick up ad habuts from them.

me too, i only like cooper Black (the font) because my M8 uses it, and i squeek, and spout random crap, like my other fruend staci
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I unhighlight/highlight text all the time, I also pick up on other peoples habits and cpy them subconsiously(sp).

I used to have a slow internet connection, so I would click links multiple times out of boredom, still do it, even on my schools 2Mb connection.
I have so many things I have to do, including touching everything with one hand, then the other and finally both. Doing everything in mutliples of three, even making my girlfriend say things three times if I need her to. Curling my toes and pressing them aganist any surfice for three seconds. Cracking every bone I can (it sounds terrible) Permentaly messing with my fringe. Pushing my top lip right above my front teeth and making a werid noise. Applying Shampoo in the shower and rinsing it off 4 or 5 times a shower. Not walking on cracks in the road-or where the pavement changes colour. Getting to the top of the steps at work before the door closes.

That's a few.
I share a spookily large amount of habits with you (all those not crossed out). Cracking your bones is somewhat satisfying (I usually only stick to the hands though) but I've phased it out more recently to avoid arthiritis. The hand thing really annoys me. Touch something cold with my left hand and I have to do the same with my right in the same place. It gets annoying.
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I also have a habit of picking up on other peoples traits and copying them. I was never conscious of it until someone pointed it out. I do it all the time, especially when i meet new people. Sometimes my accent will change slightly and sound more like that person. I will start moving like them. I will pick up ad habuts from them.
That's a very good thing, matching body languagw makes you more likeable. I tend to copy people as well, I think everyone does it subconciously to an extent.
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Usually I am the one who gets copied by people around me. I seem to have a certain... charisma or whatever, people very quickly adapt my manner of speaking.