Info On Cpu Mod And Ram Upgrade?


Still Fresh
Dec 2, 2004
I just purchased a GP32 from Lik-Sang last night (still waiting on it to arrive lol) and was wondering in all honesty how hard it would be to do the CPU mod, I have a friend that does a lot of SMD soldering but I just planned on using regular resisitors (I can mod ps2's so I think this should be a snap) My question is what is the lowest resistance I can use without fear of damage. I want the CPU going the fastest it possibly can without blowing up ya know. Also does anyone on these forums do a 64Meg ram upgrade in the USA? Please let me know if you do.
I think the site for info on that is try a google for 'cobbleware gp32' and it should tell you....
there isnt a "cpu mod" there is a volt mod, its "just" replacing two resistors so the cpu gets a bit more v wich will boost its overclocking capability, gamepark uses a voltage thats under the max specs (to save battery?), so there is some room.
infos can be found at
ram upgrade is just replacing the ram chip, thats a bit harder than the olt mod, infos can be found at the same site.

ps: could you pleas use the search funktion or google next time? couse this have been discused multiple times, and it may annoy users to answer the same questions over and over again.
Also, don't be so hasty to get teh volt mod, as many GP32s can OC out of the box to 166.
Yea I knew it was a voltage mod hehe...I phrased what info I wanted wrong. I just wanted info on the lowest resistance people on here have used and what they were. I heard some people have OC'd to like 200MHz and up. That is something that I would like to do. I am sorry if I am repeating questions that have been asked probably thousands of times.
You know you could just send it in to consolefix. They'll get it to
go to alteast 166 for something like $10.
I haven't posted on the GP32x forum for a few months, so things may of changed, but it seems to me that 1, if you overclock your GP32 to 200mhz, your battery life will be incredibly short, 2 most programs on the GP32 don't support 200mhz mode anyway, and 3, why would you go through the trouble of opening your brand new GP32 up just to gain 32 mhz of speed? What I found is that running most games at 150 mhz is sufficient for all but the most demanding tasks. ;)

Well, it may just be me, but if you are planning on modding your GP32 BEFORE you even recieve it, just to get a minor performance increase, you seem like a fool, because most of the time, 200mhz is definetly not needed. (unless it's for bragging rights :D )
RockOut posted on Dec 2 2004 at 01:24 AM said:
I haven't posted on the GP32x forum for a few months, so things may of changed, but it seems to me that 1, if you overclock your GP32 to 200mhz, your battery life will be incredibly short, 2 most programs on the GP32 don't support 200mhz mode anyway, and 3, why would you go through the trouble of opening your brand new GP32 up just to gain 32 mhz of speed? What I found is that running most games at 150 mhz is sufficient for all but the most demanding tasks. ;)

Well, it may just be me, but if you are planning on modding your GP32 BEFORE you even recieve it, just to get a minor performance increase, you seem like a fool, because most of the time, 200mhz is definetly not needed. (unless it's for bragging rights :D )

200mhz OpenSnes can't be beat. Almost every game is full speed w/sound and 0 FS.
Also 180mhz DRMD is the best. Once again Almost every game is Full Speed w/sound.

And at 200mhz I still get 6 hours on my Blu in OpenSnes.

So you might want to rethink your flawed outlook on the matter. :P
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Using the RAM and voltmod to increase the gp32_console's capabilities to say 200MHZ with 32Mb/ 64 Mb RAM, would it be more possible for PSX and N64 emulation?
jonjandran posted on Dec 2 2004 at 04:08 PM said:
RockOut posted on Dec 2 2004 at 01:24 AM said:
I haven't posted on the GP32x forum for a few months, so things may of changed, but it seems to me that 1, if you overclock your GP32 to 200mhz, your battery life will be incredibly short, 2 most programs on the GP32 don't support 200mhz mode anyway, and 3, why would you go through the trouble of opening your brand new GP32 up just to gain 32 mhz of speed? What I found is that running most games at 150 mhz is sufficient for all but the most demanding tasks.  ;)

Well, it may just be me, but if you are planning on modding your GP32 BEFORE you even recieve it, just to get a minor performance increase, you seem like a fool, because  most of the time, 200mhz is definetly not needed.  (unless it's for bragging rights :D )

200mhz OpenSnes can't be beat. Almost every game is full speed w/sound and 0 FS.
Also 180mhz DRMD is the best. Once again Almost every game is Full Speed w/sound.

And at 200mhz I still get 6 hours on my Blu in OpenSnes.

So you might want to rethink your flawed outlook on the matter. :P
wow full speed with fs 0, I can "only" get to 150mhz :( , maybe i'll mod it sometime :)
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PAUL103DOGS posted on Dec 2 2004 at 02:06 PM said:
Using the RAM and voltmod to increase the gp32_console's capabilities to say 200MHZ with 32Mb/ 64 Mb RAM, would it be more possible for PSX and N64 emulation?
Not really.

I think the general consensus is that you need at least a 500-600 mhz processor.
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