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Retro game fanatic
Oct 3, 2008
Fort Knox, KY. USA
wow. this is offensive to everyone equally! we finally found the solution. I lol'd
That is some of the funniest shit I've seen in a while!!! I'm in the "freaks" area which is.......pretty much accurate. The "Jesus and Meth " section should have been extended up to Washington state as that's like the meth capital of the U.S. Also a mention of the dubious affinty for Speedo's over in Europe would have been funny as well!

Was this yours jb0yx? Absolutely classic!!!
WizardStan said:
"Drunks and nothing"?! I'm insulted! Canada has drugs, too! :p

The BC lower mainland and islands all seem to be covered under "Stoners" while it looks like the inhabited parts of AB and SK are in the "Jesus and Meth" zone, which isn't entirely inaccurate, but it's a lot less prevalent than in the US. The Jesus, anyway. The meth is still all over the place.
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lol, I'm in the "stoners" area. I think it's pretty accurate. I'm disappointed that I don't see "hockey" anywhere on Canada. It seems like a popular enough stereotype of Canadians... a very true stereotype :D

I think the caption for Japan should be "anime and robots"

Arkansas with a beach? I think it's more like Saskatchewan or Ohio with a beach... or a mix between Saskatchewan, Arizona and Mexico.