I'm Back!!!

Horscht posted on Aug 2 2005 at 09:04 PM said:
I think those underaged people could handle it. Take sam fisher for example. He is more endangered by his own spam.
you rang? did you know spam is a substance made from many things?

Anyway im off to loompa land to look for more flavours for chocolate.
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sam fisher posted on Aug 2 2005 at 10:03 PM said:
you, mattmagoo, goity?
Not me; I've never been drunk. :) Drinking in moderation is much healthier.

Anyway, excessive alcohol consumption is not my idea of fun (I guess I'm just not a very fun person).
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Welcome back :) Sorry about the password thing, happens to everyone (especially if the e-mail isn't being sent)

WarmFluffyUK posted on Aug 2 2005 at 05:24 PM said:
Actually we had one heck of a ball in that place
This is the kind of thing that makes me excited about living with friends next year. I'll definitely make the most of it while it lasts :)

p.s. sent you a PM!
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Rico posted on Aug 3 2005 at 12:43 AM said:
Welcome back :) Sorry about the password thing, happens to everyone (especially if the e-mail isn't being sent)

WarmFluffyUK posted on Aug 2 2005 at 05:24 PM said:
Actually we had one heck of a ball in that place
This is the kind of thing that makes me excited about living with friends next year. I'll definitely make the most of it while it lasts :)

p.s. sent you a PM!

I'm sure you are going to have a right laugh. Just don't do anything I did :lol:
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Esn posted on Aug 2 2005 at 11:04 PM said:
sam fisher posted on Aug 2 2005 at 10:03 PM said:
you, mattmagoo, goity?
Not me; I've never been drunk. :) Drinking in moderation is much healthier.

Anyway, excessive alcohol consumption is not my idea of fun (I guess I'm just not a very fun person).

I don't think when most say getting drunk, I don't think they mean falling over and dribbling drunk. More like tipey. Mind you, three weeks ago we had a party and we were drinking cocktails, I had two cocktails called a Shiney Helmet :lol: they were fab, and I didn't realise how much boozy stuff was in it. Phil the next moring told me how I climbed the stairs to bed, it wasn't the stairs I was climbing, it was the front door. I have Nooo idea how I managed that.
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sam fisher posted on Aug 2 2005 at 10:05 PM said:
how old are you?
*cue threatening voice* Older than you, sam fisher... older than you.
(^this is a kind of subtle hint that suggests that I am superior, you see, and am therefore not obligated to answer any questions that I don't really feel like answering)
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Esn posted on Aug 3 2005 at 09:31 AM said:
sam fisher posted on Aug 2 2005 at 10:05 PM said:
how old are you?
*cue threatening voice* Older than you, sam fisher... older than you.
(^this is a kind of subtle hint that suggests that I am superior, you see, and am therefore not obligated to answer any questions that I don't really feel like answering)

I bet you're younger than me though :lol:
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BaDToaD posted on Aug 3 2005 at 10:46 AM said:
No one is as old as I am :P hehe.

PS Did you know that in Hawaii they have an annual Spam festival.

Spam Link

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Lovely Spam, wonderful Spaaaaam
Lovely Spam, wonderful Spaaam.

Spa- aaam, Spa- aaaam, Spaa- aaaam, Spa- aaaam,

Lovely Spaaaaam! Wonderful Spaaaaam!
Spaam, Spaaam, Spaaam, Spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam!