GP32 Igame Maker Engine Download


Playful/Fascist Mod
As I said, just in case I disappear again, here's the code I have for the IGame Maker Engine for GP32 (IGMGP32) so far. I've been trying to use GPMM's code for loading bitmaps and having trouble understanding their code. Before I tried my own bitmap code which almost worked. I am pretty sure my problem is with converting the palette.

This code is far from finished, consider it a work in progress. It can be messy in places, but I am meticulous about documenting my code so it should be OK.

It is designed to also be portable to any system, especially Windows.

It doesn't do much right now, I wanted to get everything nice and documented and modular the FIRST time which took a lot of time, but hopefully will save me a lot of headaches in the future when rewriting code.

Here's a screenshot of the engine for my FFT project. I used to have a playable demo (just Ramza walking around) but I'm not sure there it went, I'll have to recompile it at some point.