If You Just Can't Wait


Jun 16, 2003
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gp32 war is an homage to advance wars, right?

well if you don't want to wait, you should hunt down this game.

super famicom wars, the prequel to advance wars, on the snes. oh yeah and it's BRILLIANT!

my friend told me bout it, but i didn't believe but after some HEAVY searching i found it.

there is a transperancy issue, you cant see where the coloured tiles flashing which tell you were you can go. BUT if you click, release, then then hold the direction where you want want to go it'll stop you at your limit.

the last item on the long list in game is end turn.

and i think thats about it there is a nes version but this is better.

its awesome.

p.s you must own this cartraige to play this game.
And the original Famicom Wars for NES.

Most of the SNES Super Robot Wars and Front Mission titles have translation patches available, too.
Tried famicom wars with for the nes with the translation patch but still couldn't work it out :rolleyes: . Although it wasn't 100% transalation appeared to be a hell of a lot f japneses charaters in it .. anyone know if there is an english faq about..or any similar english or transalted games... actually any similar games like it, all i know of on the emualted systems is miltary madness which is fun except you can't save...arse!
SFwars is more enjoyable than Famicomwars, but a hell of a lot slower. And neither have CO powers... it's not hard to play in japanese though you just have to mess with the menu options to see what they do and memorize it.

Also, Military Maddness didn't save on the TurboGraphx/PCE either, it had passwords.