If $100 Each? Dingoo Or Wiz?

If GP2X Wiz was $100 and Dingoo A320 was $100? Which one would you get?

  • GP2X Wiz

    Votes: 59 78.7%
  • Dingoo A320

    Votes: 18 24.0%
  • Other (please specify)

    Votes: 2 2.7%

  • Total voters


Nintendo Switch
Oct 8, 2005
A lot of Dingoo vs Wiz (war) threads have been popping up lately (since forever), so I believe that we can finally end this by showing a perfect example of how psychological this war really is.
And hopefully by adding a 'poll' we can get some numbers up as well.

Anyway, without further adu, lets begin the mind game(s)!!!

For arguments sake, lets say that both Dingoo and Wiz were at the exact price point, say...uhmm...US$ 100, ok?

Same price, both released on the same day, which one would YOU get (only choose one please)? B)



I don't really see the point in this poll. The Wiz is technological better then the Dingoo, it has a faster CPU, a 3D chip and a touchscreen, but these features come with a much higher price. The Dingoo on the other side is much cheaper then every other Open Handheld ever released. If both costed 100 US$, why should anybody buy a Dingoo?
I love this device, but for 100 US$ I would have brought a Wiz, for sure, but this question doesn't make any sense, I could ask if a Pandora would also sell for 100 US$, which device would you buy? My uneducated guess is everybody would buy a Pandora.
The Wiz doesn't sell for anything near 100 US$ and the Dingoo is much cheaper then 100 US$.
We're talking about 'if's' here, mate...a hypothetical question(s).
And For Your information...Wiz is the closest competition to Dingoo...and that's why they're often compared with/to each other.
Just like PSP and DSi..both very different, but are compared. And as much as Nintendo (&/or SONY) would like to deny it...they're in DIRECT competition with each other.

Remember! (in Dec 2004 - March 2005) Nintendo DS' price was once a fuck load less than the PSPs.
Now that SONY has been shown who the king of the hand-helds really is (and with the release of the DSi), they're both 'almost' exactly the SAME price. B)
If both systems were selling for the same price anyone would take the wiz, but extra tech usually costs extra money.

I think a better question might be: If you could pick up a used Wiz for $100 or a brand new Dingoo for $100, which would you buy? I would get the wiz as long as it was in good condition.
The Wiz is a better machine, but I don't think it can justify it's price for someone who already has a gp2x. Software might eventually make the wiz more attractive for gp2x owners, but that isn't the case yet. Perhaps if PSX comes out full speed that might be enough to get people to get one.
I was using epsxe yesterday with Pete's plugin and it was really slow on my dual core 2ghz machine and it made me think of virtual game station which runs psx games perfectly on my 233mhz iMac! I found by changing the plugin to the zinc video driver that it ran my psx game at about 4x the speed with the pc's processor throttled to 800mhz... My point is that there is often a great deal speed lost to software not optimized. I would think that if they can get psx to run full speed on a 233mhz iMac, there is hope that a good dev could get it full speed psx (even if you have to run it at 30fps instead of 60).

There is one really good reason for owning an A320 - price. Bang for buck, it's probably the best value handheld on the market (ever?)

Take that away, and you are left with an answer to rhetorical question - of course everyone would pick the Wiz.
I think anyone would be insane to not pick the wiz under these circumstances. I got a dingoo to hold me over until the next generation of cheap handheld devices hit the market with analog stick(s) and network capability. To me the wiz was released at too high a price with too few features to really make it stand out. It sits right between the dingoo and pandora.
CKeichel said:
I don't really see the point in this poll. The Wiz is technological better then the Dingoo, it has a faster CPU, a 3D chip and a touchscreen, but these features come with a much higher price. The Dingoo on the other side is much cheaper then every other Open Handheld ever released. If both costed 100 US$, why should anybody buy a Dingoo?
I love this device, but for 100 US$ I would have brought a Wiz, for sure, but this question doesn't make any sense, I could ask if a Pandora would also sell for 100 US$, which device would you buy? My uneducated guess is everybody would buy a Pandora.
The Wiz doesn't sell for anything near 100 US$ and the Dingoo is much cheaper then 100 US$.

Exactly what I wanted to say, saves me some typing :)
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I bought my dingoo for the better money/performance ratio. IF both are sold for the same price then Wiz would have the better ratio. You know my answer.
WhiteFalcon said:
CKeichel said:
I don't really see the point in this poll. The Wiz is technological better then the Dingoo, it has a faster CPU, a 3D chip and a touchscreen, but these features come with a much higher price. The Dingoo on the other side is much cheaper then every other Open Handheld ever released. If both costed 100 US$, why should anybody buy a Dingoo?
I love this device, but for 100 US$ I would have brought a Wiz, for sure, but this question doesn't make any sense, I could ask if a Pandora would also sell for 100 US$, which device would you buy? My uneducated guess is everybody would buy a Pandora.
The Wiz doesn't sell for anything near 100 US$ and the Dingoo is much cheaper then 100 US$.

Exactly what I wanted to say, saves me some typing :)

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I am wondering what are the things that could be better on the Dingoo than the Wiz? More battery hours maybe?

Because I just bought a Dingoo (I am getting it tomorrow from the post) even if I already have a Wiz (I am wondering how many people have done this).
The reason being I like collecting handhelds especially ones with homebrew activity, and I have seen a lot of Dingoo stuff released here and it made me curious about the device.

Anyways, the Dingoo seems to me like a wiz lite and without the touch screen and 3d acceleration. The comparision between NDS and PSP doesn't match this, because the NDS had something unique and inovative to show, double screens, touch screen and great games utilizing this, compared to it's superior in hardware PSP. Only the price saves Dingoo.

But I am curious to get it in my hand and check this out. It even has a Windows devkit! Wiz doesn't have one (sorry, too lazy to boot up linux).
Optimus said:
...I just bought a Dingoo (I am getting it tomorrow from the post) even if I already have a Wiz (I am wondering how many people have done this).

I decided to keep my Dingoo as well, and I've got a Pandora on order so I guess I'm also entering into the open handheld collecting hobby! :)

These things are just...awesome. Individually and as a group!
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SONY said:
Just like PSP and DSi..both very different, but are compared. And as much as Nintendo (&/or SONY) would like to deny it...they're in DIRECT competition with each other

Nintendo's products are not in *direct* competition with anybody. They barely overlap with the 'traditional gamers' market. Most people who own a DS or Wii would never consider buying a PSP or, PS3 or X-Box.

Their market comprises partly of people such as myself (who grew tired of the way controllers were sprouting more and more buttons, and 'training modes' became increasingly long in games), but most of Nintendo's customers are people like my parents, uncles, and work colleagues: people who have never owned a gaming system before, and would never want a traditional system.

Just look at Nintendo's adverts. They aren't trying to coax people away from other systems; they developed a brand new market which the pretty much own.

(sorry for the o/t)
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SONY said:
Hmmm?...Strangely enough...and judging by the current poll results, it looks as though more people would buy the Dingoo. B)

I voted Wiz....nobody has posted anything about the dingoo so im not sure who voted...possibly and most likely a Dingoo salesman with lots of free time....
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I'd go with the Dingoo. Its support for more video/audio (Flac!) files than the Wiz make it better. The button layout looks better than the Wiz's. It also has an FM radio.
SONY said:
Hmmm?...Strangely enough...and judging by the current poll results, it looks as though more people would buy the Dingoo. B)

Probably because the people in this forum are happy with their dingoo. There isn't much the dingoo has that the wiz doesnt. An FM tuner, is that about it?
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E_I said:
I'd go with the Dingoo. Its support for more video/audio (Flac!) files than the Wiz make it better. The button layout looks better than the Wiz's. It also has an FM radio.
I am surprised that here aren't more players for the wiz. The GP2X can play most formats including flac.
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