Idk! Which One To Buy??!?!?


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2006
New Jersey, USA
Which one to buy!?!?!? idk...cuz the psp looks really good with its huge screen, sleekness, and its 3d stuff, but its battery life sux, and thats really important. Plus, it needs lots of hacks just for it to run any emus. But the gp2x has all the battery life, emus, and multimedia capabilities that the psp doesnt, but it has no 3d...i want 3d! And the zodiac? idk much bout that...
omgz mans if u loook arnd u mite fnd topix on dis allready!!1!?!?!11lollloloolol!!1 or bettr yet, mebbe u can do rssrch urslf!!!zomghax!!23??3

If you must ask, what is the most important thing to you in a handheld?
note: i DID do some research. It turns out that the gp2x has no floating point or w/e logic processors, and no gpu. Tht is ther a way to put an external one? or even put a nvidia cardin a box and connect it through a usb host...
Im right now 75 percent probable to buy a just gonna do sum more research on the gpus, and if thers a way to connect it by either a.) taking open the gp2x and installing one or b.) external ext or usb host one.
Taking this question as serious as I can without l33t speaking..

If you want 3D, get a PSP or a XGP. By the sounds of things, the GP2X's 3D capabilities are not going to be enough for you.
Loubear posted on Apr 2 2006 at 11:49 AM said:
Im right now 75 percent probable to buy a just gonna do sum more research on the gpus, and if thers a way to connect it by either a.) taking open the gp2x and installing one or b.) external ext or usb host one.

Well if you have some l33t skill you might be able to put that card of yours in, but good luck getting the community to make games just for you gp2x.
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Loubear posted on Apr 2 2006 at 12:33 PM said:
.so is ther a way to put an external one? or even put a nvidia cardin a box and connect it through a usb host...
USB 2.0 Speed: 480mbps
nVidia GDDR3 Speed: 1.6gbps
DSL Speed: Priceless
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Loubear posted on Apr 2 2006 at 04:50 PM said:
...the psp looks really good with its huge ... but its battery life sux
The GP2x´s battery life sucks even more even if you buy the best batteries.
Oh well, at least you can take some spare ones with you and change them on the go...
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My suggestion? If you're looking for 3d just get a psp. Once you get tired of the psp, then get a gp2x. The only people making 3d games are big companies, so there is no point in getting a device that is mostly for homebrew. The only advantage a psp might have in homebrew is with a playstation emulator (but even gp2x is making a lot of progress with a psx emulator).
The battery life is just about as sucky but you can use AA's so you can switch em out (And it might improve depending on the firmware updates). The gp2x screen is a lot better for emulators in general. It's really depends on what you are looking for with the machine. Whats the point of getting a homebrew 3d game machine though when the market is flooded with portable 3d games? trying to find a homebrew thingy that can run like n64 and ps1 games...right now though? I've made up my mind about this, ill just wait 2 months, and if the xgp doesnt come out, ill get a gp2x, and a share sento harddrive.
I can't tell what you are saying? IDK???

SPeak English, German, French, Korean or whatever. But IDK?

It isn't cool.

But at the moment, I am using my PSP for Snes and neogeo cd emus, and my GP2x for Mame.
I say this in the nicest possible way, but if you can't actually type something in a real language I'm not sure that you really want to be getting a gp2x. Occasionally you are going to have to read a readme file, or ask for help on this forum. If you have trouble communicating with people you might be happier with a PSP and commercial, plug-and-play games.

Of course, the other option is that you are actually a really intelligent individual who just types like that because you think it makes you seem cool and alternative. If that is the case then someone really needs to tell you that you actually come across as a complete moron. Hmmm... seems like that "someone" was me.

(for the record, IDK = I don't know. You can use crappy abbreviations in an SMS without looking like a dick since you only have 160 characters and a tiny keypad. On a web forum? Not so much)

edit: added the IDK bit
Loubear posted on Apr 3 2006 at 07:00 AM said: trying to find a homebrew thingy that can run like n64 and ps1 games
Wait 16-24 months. You may have an answer to that then.
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Oh yay! I get...if not flamed, then what's the word for it? For doing what? For typing...idk.. Oh wow, that's real helpful of you, instead of actually replying or typing anything that even vaguely resembles what I am asking, you decide to criticize me on my grammar. If your seriously going to be a loser, please pm the pseudo-flame.

Does this make you happy now...? seems the computer illiterate Loubear is actually typing in English...dammit, I need my coffee...